Example sentences of "either [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Although the partners may remain dependent on their marriage and committed to the arrangement either for provision of a little-used but resplendent home , or for earnings to support the acquired life style , little may be shared between them socially and emotionally .
2 In such a case an adult might be held liable either for breach of his contract to use proper care or for a wrong independent of the contract ; an infant has been held not to be liable at all .
3 … the common law says that the damages due either for breach of contract or for tort are damages which , so far as money can compensate will give the injured party reparation for the wrongful act ( Admiralty Commissioners v SS Susquehanna [ 1926 ] AC 655 at p661 ) .
4 It is suggested that the tenant should in fact attempt to delete this clause on the ground that the landlord is already protected by the other covenants contained in the lease and can take such action as may be necessary either for breach of contract or in tort .
5 I like to have a few action songs in a party , either as part of a show or as an alternative to games .
6 Nevertheless , there are now more smaller fund management companies actively looking to manage portfolios for private clients , either as part of larger groups or as boutiques .
7 Another sherd of this beaker depicts a stag ( not drawn ) either as part of a venatio or , possibly , the Third Labour — the Keryneian Hind .
8 Life cover will be arranged either as part of your plan or as a separate policy .
9 In a broader context , it can , as ideological preference may urge , be regarded either as part of the exercise in the 1860s of that liberal political wisdom which freely conceded timely advances to the advocates of change and so harnessed their energies and aspirations to the support of the general interest in the maintenance of stability and the creation of wealth in a prospering nation ; or as part of the calculated manipulation of events so as to ensure the preservation of the existing social structure against fundamental changes such as the institution of a juster order would require .
10 Although the majority of each of these groups were soldiers , organised with varying degrees of cohesion and discipline on military lines , and had fought either as part of German armies or under German overall command , there were also large groups of women , children , priests , camp followers etc , most notably with Domanov 's Cossacks , where these totalled some 8,000 .
11 Any good training service should provide this , either as part of the standard training package or through the dealership 's normal help desk service .
12 These will be generic and therefore suitable for a wide range of vocational purposes , either as part of Higher National programmes , or as free-standing units which could be used to meet the particular needs of client groups .
13 Please give the above your serious consideration and authorise the improvements to Scorton playing field equipment either as part of the Capital Programme or as an addition to the on-going refurbishment of playing fields which is now in progress in the borough .
14 ( 3 ) On the stationery of a recognised body which is an unlimited company it shall be stated , either as part of the body 's name or otherwise , that the body is a body corporate .
15 ( 4 ) Where a recognised body which is an unlimited company is a partner in partnership with a solicitor or another recognised body it shall be stated on the stationery of the partnership , either as part of the body 's name or otherwise , that the recognised body is a body corporate except where this is so stated on a list of the names of all the partners maintained by the partnership at its principal place of business in pursuance of section 4(3) of the Business Names Act 1985 .
16 Application can be made to the local planning authority ( either as part of an application for planning permission or as a separate application ) for a ‘ determination ’ as to whether a proposed operation constitutes development and , if so , as to whether planning permission is required .
17 He was , as a bacteriologist , interested in the microbiological aspects , and as an enthusiast for technical methods , in the use of Penicillium extracts to make selective culture media ( i.e. media in which a required organisms will grow readily while unwanted contaminants fail either through lack of an essential nutrient or because something is present which stops them ) .
18 These results could have occurred either through facilitation of responses following a predictable context , or through inhibition of anomalous responses .
19 When acting for a buyer of vacant land who intends to build on it , or for a buyer of a recently erected house , a hidden danger has recently been highlighted — the possibility that the foundations may be at risk of subsidence or of sliding either through infilling of the site , or a dangerous geological stratum .
20 making too heavy a contact with the opponent , either through loss of temper or misjudgement of distance ; and
21 Such support occurs either through membership of an organisation which happens to provide support for litigation , such as a trade union , or through membership of , or support by a pressure group , which is interested in dealing with only one issue , but which will support litigation if that litigation furthers the objectives of the group .
22 Follow-up research has shown that 95% of all successful course members found at least hourly paid part-time teaching posts either after completion of the course or increasingly during the course .
23 Problems did not cease either with production of the second script .
24 The Council of the Society has been considering whether a scheme should be introduced whereby a young person proposing to enter law as a career could obtain some preliminary experience of the workings of a law office either before commencement of his university studies or during vacations .
25 The capacity of the gastric mucosa to protect itself from injury is determined by many factors , and aggravation of experimental injury as seen after sensory nerve ablation , may result either from impairment of mucosal defence or retardation of rapid repair or both .
26 Conformity to rules relies primarily upon compliance , upon a willingness to work within a regulated framework which Etzioni has suggested rests either upon acceptance of a ‘ utilitarian ’ financial bargain or upon a ‘ normative ’ commitment .
27 A copyright owner can , of course , grant permission or issue a licence or contract for a work to be copied or reproduced in some way , either in part of whole .
28 On the other hand , at particular junctures political forces can ‘ break loose ’ from the social collectivities and corporate bodies which traditionally support them , either in pursuit of an autonomous political project or in the face of intolerable contradictions among the demands of their ‘ constituents ’ .
29 In 1985 , 63% of lone parent families ( with nearly a million children ) were either in receipt of Supplementary Benefit ( SB ) or had incomes below the level of SB , compared with 10% of two parent families with dependent children .
30 It is also useful on a one to one basis , or with a small group — either in front of the class or discretely .
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