Example sentences of "difficult [to-vb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A jerking pop star was wielding his guitar as the credits rolled , his parodic sexual gyrations so grotesque that it was difficult to see that even the besotted young could find them erotic .
2 Although this approach may be more ambiguous and more difficult to implement than more common practices , it seems to result in services that are more fluid , creative , and egalitarian and potentially more responsive to client and community needs .
3 The language was comprehensible only by the greatest concentration ; the issues mind-boggling ; the logic of past actions difficult to recollect and harder still to articulate .
4 Obviously waves may have frequencies of intermediate magnitude and so be difficult to classify as either destructive or constructive .
5 Early herbicide treatments provide the best control , because older grass weed seedlings are more difficult to kill and also compromise yield .
6 The net yield from the Crown lands is difficult to estimate but probably came to about £6,750 , with the Duchy of Lancaster contributing another £2,500 .
7 On that occasion , although one of them only was present , both counsel and solicitor were in court acting on their behalf , and I find it very difficult to accept that neither counsel nor solicitor at the conclusion of the hearing explained in the clearest terms to the second appellant precisely what it was that she and the first appellant were to be restrained from doing .
8 The Thinker , already a winner of the race , stands at 20-1 , but he is difficult to train and even more difficult to catch on the right day .
9 If a man who is a diabetic and who has arterial disease to the extent that this plaintiff had , is severely injured so that life is much more difficult to bear than otherwise it would have been , a defendant is in my view , quite unable , with justification , to say that a reduction in damages should thereby be brought about .
10 Firstly , before documents are available which give a general comparison and assessment at one date across an area ( like Domesday Book or a medieval Lay Subsidy ) it is very difficult to know whether all the sites we are comparing as part of our settlement pattern are contemporary .
11 Very expensive liver sausages may be made from calves ' or goose livers , but these are difficult to find and very rich in taste .
12 Although few patients under investigation for iron deficiency anaemia will be found to have bleeding from the small intestine , these lesions can be difficult to find and therefore a disproportionate amount of time is spent in investigating these patients .
13 His appearance record shows that , once Ron had gained a position in the team , he became difficult to displace and probably his best spell with the Palace was as a regular member of the team that finished 1952–53 with such a creditable run of performances .
14 The pyocyanases and the penicillia did not appear to harm patients , but they were too difficult to extract and too unstable to be useful .
15 This assent could sometimes be difficult to establish but fortunately Rule 5 allows it to be implied and to be given in advance .
16 Just aft of the fire a small motorboat was still secured to its davits : it was n't difficult to guess that either the explosion or the fire had rendered it inoperable .
17 Jade is therefore very tough and would have been almost ideal for tools and weapons if only it had not been so difficult to work and so scarce .
18 But the mean annual gazelle does tend to get systematically worse more difficult to catch because better adapted to evade cheetahs .
19 They were to discover , however , that a barely literate populace found the abstract word far more difficult to absorb than more concrete visual images , for as one Henrician reformer had earlier noted : ‘ into the common people things sooner enter by the eyes than by the ears . ’
20 Second , in a world of scientists who need to define and measure their subjects , power is , to say the least , difficult to define and even more difficult to measure .
21 Open questions are easy to ask , difficult to answer and much more difficult to analyse .
22 This momentum throughout the industry was difficult to halt and later in the 1970s with the second oil shock and over capacity of 40 per cent , an added pressure element came from a weak US dollar which allowed relatively cheap American products on to the market on this side of the Atlantic .
23 Most systems have languages that are too cryptic , too difficult to remember and too large , he complained .
24 — which are a good source for typical subjects and objects ; compressed versions are difficult to parse and therefore best avoided ;
25 Public attention had become difficult to avoid but both he and Mrs Wilson were badly in need of rest .
26 It really is exciting and something which it 's difficult to express and even better if we can do something for Herefordshire and bring back a winner .
27 Indubitably a noble metal , non-tarnishing and long wearing , it proved difficult to refine and even more difficult to work in any quantity .
28 These ‘ loans ’ can be difficult to trace and eventually become ‘ lost . ’
29 This would be difficult to do if only because the story is far from fully played out .
30 They can be more difficult to manage than even the United States Congress .
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