Example sentences of "like [pers pn] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I really do n't like them eating that sort of disgusting junk food , ’ Laura protested .
2 Christina did not like them to receive such a bad impression of Crystal Springs .
3 Now would you like me to put some of this , that in there ?
4 I mean , would you like me to do this or would you like me to report .
5 And you would like me to provide that management ? ’
6 ‘ Would you like me to make some enquiries ? ’
7 I do n't think you 'd like me doing that Alex ?
8 I 'll give you that guarantee myself the company do n't like me doing this but I will guarantee .
9 would you like me to read that poem again ? , would that be helpful ? , right , we were
10 is much more of a go down in colour , erm so I think probably if I 'd seen her , er prints I maybe I would of approached this erm differently , erm it gave me a very immense voice about crowds , erm , very , very different from the front of the picture apart from the alarm registered in the eyes of the , of the old woman erm , this is called Even Paradise Has Its End , sorry Even Paradise Has Its Price , sorry Ours in the night laying between sleep and arousal held in balance , fragile as dust on a scale , night spirit 's sit easy , in no hurry , even paradise has its price , would you like me to read that one again ?
11 You do n't like me to know more than you .
12 In answer to Des Smith 's question , yes , there are people who care but we need more articles like his to turn that into effective support .
13 No I do n't like I like that one better .
14 I 'd like you to put all of that stuff behind the December calendar card , please .
15 But I mean basically , that means that for the , tomorrow morning 's breakfast programme , I want a package including lots of different views , but for drive time which is five till six in the evening , I just want a straightforward , two minute head-to-head , one-to-one interview but for lunchtime which is C A T O , which is Cambridgeshire at One , which is our lunchtime programme , I 'd like you to put all the views into a script of about forty seconds , and do n't forget , for the two o'clock bulletin , which is a very short one , I 'd just like three sentences of copy which sums up the story .
16 I have a particular affection for Bristol and the West country , I 'd like you know that , those of you who 've come all the way to London from the West and I so I was very happy to have this evening and be able with er an accompanist and musical director , to provide entertainment that would raise money .
17 Now I 'd like you to draw those two bearings and find out where L is , this this lighthouse , so tell me what you 're doing first of all .
18 ‘ I … think I had better tell you what happened ; I would n't like you to entertain any wrong thoughts . ’
19 I do n't think your mum would like you sticking that .
20 I 'd like you to open this pack please , which has January to June .
21 Yeah there 's the price it 's size it 's this product you know the reason we 're phone you because you 've been identified as by the estate agent or medical practice or school as being very suitable and they would very much like you to support this .
22 You know where it says now try this , I 'd like you to do that exercise , putting in all the punctuation .
23 You 're not now , oh right okay that 's fine , the er , what I want you to do instead of writing , I mean two hundred words is , is probably feel nothing , but in fact because we want er it to be absolutely right , what I 'd like you to do this time is just write an appraisal , the contents thing er that we had last time we had if you like , content and appraisal and audience , but audience was only er , a sentence or two , I 'd simply like a , an appraisal , what your view of this is , if you 're writing that part of the review , so we 're only thinking in terms of a hundred words now , er what I 'd like you to do is to distribute yourselves over the laboratory , erm go wherever you want but do n't start talking with people , it 's not the , not the Cribben thing I just want to get on with the exercise that I 'm concerned with and write your appraisal , but obviously put your name on it and er if we meet back here thirty five minutes is that long enough for under a hundred words of excellent quality ?
24 Right now I 'd like you to do this one on your own .
25 Now , what I 'd like you to do this , this is not straightforward .
26 What I 'd like you to do this evening if you will erm as an exercise is you know you were talking about erm asking questions listening to the answers speaking the same language watching erm talk the language .
27 erm I 'd still like you to do more work on differentiation .
28 In the meantime , to keep you occupied — and to ensure that some part of the considerable sum of money invested in keeping you alive is repaid — we would like you to do some work for us . ’
29 And I particularly did n't like you getting another member of your harem to phone me up on Thursday night and make your excuses .
30 While I 'm seeing him , by the way , I 'd like you to make some enquiries in the village .
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