Example sentences of "look up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We look up into the sky , we watch the shapes of the clouds changing till we recognize a picture .
2 In the same way they look up into the night sky to see the stars and feel the awe and wonder of the infinite worlds with their infinite distances into which may be submerged all our preoccupations as if we had washed our souls in the oceans of space .
3 I hear a clattering in the air as McDunn gets out of the Jag and I look up over the trees into high , bright overcast .
4 Walking in the Ash Grove at L. I look up through the trees .
5 I stand in front of it and look up at the lights .
6 I sit down on the bench and look up at the sky .
7 I stop under a lamppost and look up at the light , all orange and flickery .
8 Some of the students look up at the word ‘ castration ’ , admiring the cool poise with which Robyn pronounces it , as one might admire a barber 's expert manipulation of a cut-throat razor .
9 Look up at the Great Tower which was built by the sons of Peter Parler in 1396 : -1406 , with a Renaissance gallery by B. Wohlmut , 1560–2 .
10 Before leaving Malostranské náměstí , look up at the tower of the Church of St Nicholas .
11 Now look up at the towers guarding the entrance to Charles Bridge .
12 Walk through and look up at the Parler net vaulting with the crown of Bohemia on the boss .
13 ‘ All towns look the same nowadays until you look up at the buildings above and the scenery beyond , ’ he grunted .
14 Stand here and look up at the River Esk a famous salmon fishing river ; and across the river at St. Mary 's church , at the top of 199 steps , furnished by local shipwrights .
15 ‘ Martin Fierro 's aim in life was to sleep on a bed of clover , look up at the stars , and live as free as a bird in the sky .
16 Next , look up at the blue sky — and notice a small , dark cloud drifting past .
17 She heard the front gate squeak open , and as she saw the two young Garda officers look up at the window and come slowly up her path , Kit Hegarty suddenly knew without any doubt what they were coming to tell her .
18 Look up at the rooftops and you will see things you have never noticed before .
19 Sometimes I 'd get up and go down and sit with her , look up at the Moon shining through the glass and think , at least I 'm out of that .
20 It 's as if he still lives there , so when I go past I look up at the window I 'd put him in .
21 Look up at the light , blink rapidly , breathe deeply from the diaphragm — yes , I do all of those things .
22 I lie on my back and look up at the eternal sweep of marble skies .
23 I wiped my brow , which had become a little sweaty , and took a last look up at the shadowless wall above .
24 I look up at the windows .
25 I stop for a moment at my gate and look up at the windows of my house .
26 Look up at the car clock , or whatever ?
27 If you look up to the university lecturer or down on the cleaner , either way you 're not facing up to the truth about us all .
28 PICCADILLY CIRCUS It may be wise to keep your eyes on the traffic , but when you 've reached the island , look up to the Spectacolor board above the corner of Haymarket and Coventry Street .
29 If I look up to the blue sky , as yet I must when it is blue and bright suddenly , it is in spite of the heavy limb and relaxing back that will drag me down or cause me to hasten home .
30 When the coup in Yugoslavia in spring 1941 interfered with Hitler 's plans for an attack on the Soviet Union ( Britain 's last potential Continental ally ) and a deterioration in mood set in owing to the threatening extension of the war to the Balkans , SD soundings of opinion again registered ‘ with what childlike trust the most ordinary people in particular look up to the Führer and our leadership of state ’ , convinced that ‘ the Führer has taken it into account and will deal properly with it ’ . ’
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