Example sentences of "look out [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It turns , and the door judders open upon a little room under the eaves , with windows that look out over rooftops and the open sky .
2 Buttons are fiddly so look out for ones sewn onto elastic loops .
3 For letterboxes , look out for seals with brushes which will prevent an icy blast when the post is delivered .
4 Look out for companies who have n't been around for long : they could be out of business just as soon .
5 Look out for birds such as redshank and lapwing .
6 Look out for flocks of birds tucking into it — among them will be rooks .
7 Look out for products such as Visio , a drop and drag drawing package which utilises job-specific stencils ; WinDesk , a customisable desktop for Windows ; ProtoView , a screen management facility for Windows ; Star Trek the Screensaver , a screensaver program for Star Trek fanatics ; Office Accelerator , a program to run your office from within your favourite word-processor ; Color Tools , a multimedia graphics solution ; Labtech Vision , a program that produces dynamic graphics that automatically update in real time , and CameraMan , which records and plays back Windows routines .
8 Look out for products from companies such as Marshalls who have an attractive range of paving from the rugged , riven-faced textures of Heritage through to the seven shades of the brick-sized Keyblock system .
9 This year NCT has a gift and Christmas card catalogue out : please look out for copies at meetings and place your orders with committee members for us to send off in bulk .
10 Look out for programmes specially made for young children , like Playdays and See-Saw .
11 IF you 're cycling on the Lagan Towpath , look out for pedestrians .
12 The trail takes you through both old and new plantations — look out for woodpeckers and birds such as long tailed tits and wrens which share their habitat .
13 Look out for discounts on mowers and other summer equipment .
14 Look out for functions that benefit you and the type of catering you offer
15 Look out for models that are freestanding when folded and which can be collapsed using one hand only , leaving you with a spare arm to hold the baby .
16 Look out for signs to Federation Cup Park and Ride at city approaches .
17 Most independent mortgage brokers will display a FIMBRA logo , but also look out for signs of the regulatory bodies SIB and RPB .
18 So look out for signs that there may be a problem , such as :
19 Look out for bags of ready-prepared mixed leaves — they are perfect for this salad .
20 Look out for changes in their behaviour at home or in their performance at school .
21 In the wood look out for whinchats , redstarts and spotted flycatchers as well as evidence of deer and pine martens who live here .
22 Perching on wires or bush tops on look out for bees , wasps and other flying insects ; flight swallow-like , with long glides on triangular wings and tremendous acceleration to capture prey , after which they return to perch with a graceful upward sweep and batter it to death before swallowing it .
23 If you have n't got a food processor , look out for jars of ready-made pesto
24 Next time you watch a wildlife film , look out for animals feeding as a result of other animal 's activities .
25 For most of the time the estuary is a huge sand spit here which make an ideal feeding ground for estuary birds — look out for oystercatchers and herons .
26 If quick decisions are needed , say during the sales , then at least work out the approximate size of the spaces you have in mind and look out for pieces of furniture that will best fit into them .
27 In the meantime , if you 're still keen to keep birds , you can help by buying only those bred in captivity ( many of the common pet species like budgerigars are bred in UK aviaries ) : look out for close-rings fitted to bird 's legs as proof ( above ) .
28 Look out for packets of Record and Buitone products , which offer very good free Recipe Books , full of appetising ideas .
29 Look out for ceramics , textiles , furniture and drawings ( 071–938 8500 ) .
30 As you drive about the countryside next weekend , and especially if you find yourself approaching a town or village once famous for its market days , look out for places along the route where flanking hedges stand back several yards off the road .
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