Example sentences of "thus [v-ing] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By having Alexander lessons an individual would be able to learn how to sit , stand or pick objects up so that they do not put so much strain on the back muscles , thus bringing instant relief to their back .
2 He meant by this that the areas of colour in his painting were not to be blended by the eye but were to be seen as acting on each other reciprocally , thus producing pictorial form and space .
3 France too possessed a very efficient cabinet noir , and down to the fall of the Duc de Choiseul in 1770 most of her Foreign Ministers also held the post of Surintendant-Général des Postes , thus maintaining effective control over so valuable an auxiliary .
4 Between the mid and later second century , for example , there appears to be an interest in quincunx arrangements of panels , as elaborations of lozenge formats ( thus maintaining considerable lozenge decoration ) .
5 Today 's PAG-ACS fast-charger technology involves intelligent and pulse-charging micro-chip controlled sensing and monitoring devices , which sense the amount of charge left in the battery , prevent heat build up ( the main enemy to battery longevity ) , and detect lazy cells , thus maintaining balanced charging .
6 Under this , prohibition replaces the Competition Act 1980 provisions on anti-competitive practices , but the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973 remain in force , thus allowing tacit collusion to be dealt with by the MMC .
7 At the end of a lesson , a hand-out can summarise important points thus allowing full concentration and attention during the instruction .
8 I am referring of course to the process of closure — that is to say the ritualised responses , whereby the injured party acknowledges and accepts the accounts or apologies , thus allowing social activity to resume its productive course .
9 In two cases where father and son were both working shifts they had arranged alternate shifts thus allowing uninterrupted farm work .
10 Top left : A series can be colour coded to represent an ageing process , thus revealing multiple occupancy .
11 Within the memory itself there will be a number of chips , each capable of working in the absence of the others , thus employing redundant modularity .
12 The monopolist produces an output Q M at a price P M thus equating marginal cost and marginal revenue .
13 It was a hard , bloody fight lasting 3 hours and 16 minutes ( this time still stands as a world record for a championship fight ) before Burke knocked out Byrne with a tremendous punch , thus becoming recognised champion .
14 Each assembly language module can be considered as an object with a specific set of rules for data input and output , thus enabling methodical testing techniques to be used .
15 In 1981 , sterling declined by approximately 11% over a period of nine months , thus enabling inflationary pressure to be effectively contained by releasing it slowly .
16 Brush heads are shaped to taper inward , thus enabling great control of the edge of the brush , allowing precision , with the best brushes holding their shape extremely well .
17 The pavement-quality concrete apron allows cargo to be off loaded directly to the terminal , thus enabling operational speed .
18 In the early years of married life , a couple may try and establish as wide a social network as possible and , then , in later life if they feel that it is sufficient , they may ask relatives to be godparents , thus reaffirming existing kinship ties , rather than extending the network further .
19 Fascinating as this is , it is surely with relief that we return from thus checking printed source against printed source , cross-referring and tentatively identifying , to the open air of ‘ the roads of France ’ .
20 Oestrogen has a negative feed-back effect on the pituitary gland thus checking over- production of FSH-RH .
21 The leaves are cleaned and the cuticle scratched , thus aiding fungal decay ; the ants cut and chew the pieces into fragments , which are mixed with saliva as well as faeces before being put in the garden , the swollen tips ( gongylidia ) being collected by the ants for food .
22 Either a whole form is completed by a single coder who then has an overall picture of the response and may thus spot inconsistencies , or each coder concentrates on all responses to a particular question , thus developing considerable skill at that particular task .
23 The processor is high on design with the powerful 500 watt motor cleverly placed behind the bowl along with the controls , thus saving valuable space on the worksurface .
24 The Science and Engineering Research Council , currently a complete shambles because of underfunding , could be bailed out , thus Saving British Science , for precisely P£1 : milk for two days .
25 I congratulate my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary on taking action against death riders — I agree with those who have already said that that is a much better way to describe these offenders who are not joyriders — and others who think that it is good fun to take somebody 's car and drive it dangerously , thereby damaging property and sometimes killing people , thus causing appalling misery to those whose lives may be wrecked in the process .
26 The heart has then got to work harder and harder to keep the flow of blood going , thus causing high blood pressure .
27 If a much more severe monetary policy had been followed there is every reason to believe that while price rises would have been curtailed , unemployment would have risen even more sharply , thus confirming Keynesian analysis of a lack of aggregate demand rather than the monetarist concept of a natural rate of unemployment .
28 He tried to get a post at the British Museum , and was most indignant when it went to George Children , a friend of Davy and thus possessing superior patronage .
29 This results in ionic vacancies in the lattice , thus preserving electrical neutrality .
30 Local bus is a technology whereby certain peripheral cards , such as video or IDE host cards , can have their own private bus which runs at the same speed as the processor , thus enhancing overall system throughput .
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