Example sentences of "seems to have been a " in BNC.

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1 His entire career in industry seems to have been a series of opportunities seized with relish .
2 There seems to have been a hierarchy of colours , ranging from grey , to red for the principal rooms .
3 Additionally , and of equal significance , is the fact that within the overall blood taboo context there seems to have been a clear and hierarchical distinction made between male blood and female blood .
4 Appointed a Privy Counsellor two years ago , his promotion seems to have been a long time coming , prompting some commentators to dub him ‘ The Nearly Man ’ .
5 The Conservatives went into the campaign in a worse position than when they lost to Labour under Harold Wilson in 1964 , and that position , if anything , deteriorated , yet there seems to have been a last-minute surge in the Tories ’ favour .
6 Archery seems to have been a minor technique , for men armed with swords and spears and carrying only twelve arrows could hardly be termed ‘ archers ’ in the later medieval sense of a specialised separate force of skilled bowmen used as a collective weapon in their right .
7 She seems to have been a shrewd , sensible young woman , vivacious , quick-witted , with no illusions , no sentimentality , no dreams
8 ‘ There seems to have been a power failure , ’ a male voice replied .
9 The late 1920s and '30s seems to have been a bad time in the Woodchester area for fires .
10 He seems to have been a bit of a wastrel , from what Kebbel told us . ’
11 In those days , simply being British seems to have been a passport to the higher circles of whatever country the traveller set foot in .
12 It seems to have been a happy marriage and Ximena bore Rodrigo two daughters .
13 The main factor causing this redistribution seems to have been a massive increase in non-serious wounding .
14 Edward Ellice , an MP for Coventry , said that he had been asked to accompany his friend Lord Elcho , and although he seems to have been a political ally of Elcho 's his view of Scott 's design was very different .
15 There seems to have been a subsequent change of emphasis as evidenced by Minister of State Angela Rumbold 's speech at the Industrial Society in December 1989 .
16 One aspect of the changing nature of local government since the early 1970s seems to be that various local government agencies have taken on this role in one way or another , to the extent that there seems to have been a marked change in relations between those agencies and business interests at local level .
17 The only castings found were ingots , so this seems to have been a metal refinery .
18 Despite attempts to recommend local materials , the per capita costs of the scheme were also high and there seems to have been a certain ‘ willing suspension of disbelief ’ about the local capacity to provide replacements for all the goodies originally supplied by UNICEF .
19 Once again , our ignorance is very great ; but wherever we go in Europe , we find traces of what seems to have been a widespread and quite accepted practice , before the papal reform and the insistence on celibacy .
20 He seems to have been a solitary child , happiest in his own company .
21 ‘ Simon de Montfort seems to have been a pretty important baron . ’
22 There seems to have been a generally similar scheme of attack , if similarities to the Kentish experience are anything to go by .
23 Although Hogarth called Ramsay ‘ Phizmongers ’ and ‘ another face painter from abroad ’ , there seems to have been a genuine mutual regard between them , and their combined efforts literally changed the face of British portraiture .
24 Indeed , your latest victim seems to have been a veritable bundle of surprises — not a maidservant but a duchess , not dead but alive — and , to top all , affianced to an eleven-year-old and not a virgin ! ’
25 The total bill for Bacon 's embalming came to £26 8s. 4d. which , when compared with the £28 4s. 1d. paid in 1596 for the embalming of Henry , Earl of Huntingdon , seems to have been a fairly standard cost .
26 The connection led to an invitation to drive in FI for Ferrari , an arrangement which in those years seems to have been a rather casual affair .
27 As far as planning is concerned , there seems to have been a failure to examine the proposal realistically .
28 The author seems to have been a companion and friend of St Paul .
29 He seems to have been a difficult patient .
30 And it seems to have been a monumental over-reaction by the British Olympic Association , to send the pair home in a pantomime of sealed letters and secret flights under assumed names .
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