Example sentences of "seems to have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to have no geographical place in the real world but is merely the product of the poet 's imagination .
2 For instance he wrote Leagach ( more as it sounds ) for Liathach ; yet Each for Eighe ( pronounced ay as in play ) seems to have no phonetic parallel .
3 But in some capitalist societies the working class seems to have no distinct political organisation or ideology , and so appears to lack any defining characteristics at these levels .
4 Yes , there were no quotes in it , there were no people mentioned , it seems to have no local flavour in that respect .
5 His life seems to have no particular routine apart from his work .
6 I like a broken line to look a picture , one in which there are ‘ lost and found ’ edges and in which the tone of one part is the same as the area behind it so it seems to have no hard edge .
7 The legal profession seems to have a distinct image and the number of matters which are identified by the public as appropriate to a solicitor is relatively narrow .
8 Al Gore , the vice-president , seems to have a good working relationship with the president .
9 Against a background of inherited susceptibility , diet , particularly one that is high in animal fat , seems to have a major influence on the development of colorectal cancer .
10 It 's a white place , like Wigan which only seems to have a Black population on Tuesday nights when the music from the Wigan Pier nightclub 's jazz-funk DJ draws in young Blacks from as far as the Midlands to body-pop .
11 In the context of such an overwhelming victory for phallocracy , the BBC 's weird decision to focus its hype on Peter Snow 's giant swingometer seems to have a certain symbolic logic .
12 Severe toxicity was less common in our study , however , and the three-drug combination seems to have a better therapeutic index .
13 Fortunately dietary intervention from before conception seems to have a favourable influence on outcome , which seems to be closely associated with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia very early in gestation .
14 He always seems to have a sore throat and a fever , so I do n't like to leave him when he 's not well .
15 ‘ These days , it seems to have a definite swing towards the Lib Dems ! ’
16 WD-40 , however , is not : it seems to have a corrosive effect on some materials .
17 He seems to have a fluctuating temperature .
18 The island of Hawaii alone seems to have a long-term average rate of construction of over 0.4 km 3 a- 1 , while Iceland has sustained a rate of about 0.13 km 3 a- 1 during historic time , and a rather lower average of 0.06 km 3 a - 1 over the past 16 Ma .
19 At the same time , it builds a prison-house of rhetoric from which there may be no practical possibility of escape : as later with the writings of Baudrillard , their critique , in its totalizing embrace , always seems to have a neutralizing answer to suggestions of difference .
20 Everyone I know seems to have a small , broken family : sometimes broken up by death , sometimes by divorce , usually just by disagreement or boredom .
21 ‘ I do n't really know much about Doctor Reid , ’ I admitted , ‘ except that he seems to have a great sense of humour and is — well , perhaps a bit unconventional . ’
22 The theory seems to have a middle class bias in that it assumes that all criminal and rule-breakers accept and cherish middle-class goals , but many delinquent activities do not appear to be aiming for material gains .
23 The fullerene-road mechanism seems to have a similar failing ; there must still be sufficient small radicals around when the smaller fullerenes have developed for growth to continue .
24 From café to museum , from shopping mall to concert hall , Nuremberg seems to have a little of everything , and a whole way of life !
25 Japan seems to have a special advantage in robotics today because so many firms there are both large users and makers of robots .
26 Like other textbook writers , Greer seems to have a clear understanding of the ways in which the examination system services a class-ridden society : CSE Mathematics Book 2 has a whole section on overtime and piecework with a briefer section on salaries paid to ‘ people like teachers , civil servants , secretaries and company managers ’ .
27 Every democracy except Britain , New Zealand and ( with qualifications ) Israel seems to have a written constitution , plainly labelled .
28 LEFT The relationship between a child and both its parents , especially in the early years , seems to have a dominant effect on how well the child will be able to exploit her or his intelligence in later life .
29 He seems to have a natural ability which encourages plants to grow well .
30 The HIDB seems to have a fragmented hierarchy of ideologies : on top is the prevailing doctrine of economic development , then there is the Board 's own policy of development while at the bottom there a.e the local views .
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