Example sentences of "moment she [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 In a moment she heard the engine of the Mercedes , and she heard it zoom down the hill with a squeal of tyres .
2 He turned and glared at her and for a moment she thought the old Georg was going to start carping and nagging and telling her what she ought or ought not to do .
3 Something in her voice made Anne look searchingly at her , and after a moment she folded the letter and took her sister 's hand .
4 For one startled moment she felt the shock , then resolutely she shook it off .
5 In fact , virtually from the moment she became the Princess of Wales , Diana has suffered from bulimia nervosa which helps to explain her erratic dietary behaviour .
6 In that moment she knew the lovely air hostess had been someone special in his life .
7 She had laughed then at the vivid imagination of the child , but now for a brief moment she saw the city as Maggie saw it , basking in the first rays of the sun and oblivious to the dangerous mist below that might suck it in before it could wake up and take wing against the now blue blue sky .
8 Fran regretted her hasty words the very moment she saw the way his mouth thinned into a cold anger .
9 Just for a moment she ignored the by now loud warning sirens wailing at the back of her mind .
10 At every moment she expected the girl behind the desk to call her back : ‘ Hey , you ! ’ and question her right to be here .
11 After a moment she laid the receiver down again , her surprise now turned to total bafflement .
12 And at the same moment she had the shattering thought that perhaps she had imagined the whole thing .
13 For a moment she had the strong feeling of being at a funeral .
14 At this moment she had the urge to fly back to the house , take her into her arms again and say ‘ I 'm going to make it up to you for all the love that I 've withheld , and for all the love you 've missed in your life . ’
15 Her outstretched hand disturbed a fragment of loose rock , sending it tumbling over the precipice ; for one hideous moment she fancied the entire ledge was on the move and about to hurl her into the chasm .
16 Startled , her lips parted , and for a moment she tasted the warm firmness of his flesh before she hastily closed her mouth , trapping his finger .
17 At that moment she hated the bald guide with her one lock of blond hair curled in the hollow of her nape .
18 WIDOW Jean Courtenay tells today of the moment she confronted the woman with whom , for years , she had unwittingly been sharing her husband .
19 Laura had been mentally cataloguing it since the moment she entered the room .
20 At the last moment she stopped the manoeuvre and drove on instead .
21 But at the last moment she lost the desire to do so , because his face was not merely sad but forbidding , even hostile .
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