Example sentences of "idea that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the courts were to develop the idea that all errors of law are jurisdictional , defined the word law in a purely analytical way so that it embraced any , or almost any application of a statutory term and substituted judgment on the meaning of that term , then a prospective applicant would be clear that the courts would intervene using that standard .
2 André Breton , self-styled ‘ pope ’ of the surrealist movement , contrasted a high modernist aesthetic in which all art would be based on a musical model with the surrealist ( and , in the present context , postmodern ) idea that all art should partake of a visual mode .
3 After three weeks at his new contract , Cole has not been home before 8.30 in the evening once , so the idea that all contract catering chefs work nine-to-five is a fallacy .
4 This seems eminently reasonable , quite apart from its association with the Spinozist idea that all motivation is the attempt of a personal essence to keep itself in actuality in the fullest possible way .
5 Anyone approaching Baden with the built-in idea that all spa towns are alike is in for a surprise .
6 In order to accommodate this fact Freud did not abandon the idea that all dreams were wish-fulfilments , but hypothesized a mechanism , the dreamwork , whereby dreams were censored .
7 And , secondly , she points to the importance to Dicey of the idea that all cases were judged by the same body of people , following a single body of rules .
8 ( 3 ) The idea that all Hoorays are called Henry is misguided .
9 The ‘ market egalitarianism ’ argument embodies the idea that all individuals in the market should be placed on an equal footing , in so far as that is possible .
10 You , you get used to the idea that all squares must be positive , so a negative number ca n't have a square root .
11 ‘ The idea that all people involved in espionage are rich is a myth .
12 The idea that all people are the children of God is not found in the Bible .
13 This is the idea that all words have meaning by being names of things referred to by them , and that learning the meaning of a word is a matter of finding out what thing it refers to , what thing bears the name in question .
14 The idea that all parts of the psychobiological system are closely interwoven is relatively recent .
15 In the light of Government protestations that safety is of the highest order , the idea that that service should be privatised is brought into focus .
16 First , Rousseau 's concept of the ‘ Noble Savage ’ proposed that ‘ savages ’ who lacked the civilizing influence of Western culture were free of mental disorder — and it was this idea that many psychiatrists in England , France and the US latched on to in the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries .
17 My examination of Nizan 's communist novels ( Chapter 7 ) will be directed at accomplishing two tasks : first , to examine the processes whereby each of three texts is produced and reproduced in successively different historical situations ; here , particular emphasis will be given to the idea that each text is not a perfectly finished artistic product but the narrative site of ideological and literary contradictions .
18 There was also wide support for the idea that each qualification should have a clearly-specified number of credits .
19 Engineers like their materials to be consistent and are not too deeply interested in reasons , so they encouraged the idea that each material has a characteristic strength which could be determined accurately , once for all , if only one did enough tests .
20 This also helps to reinforce the idea that each group 's efforts is just as good/bad/funny/serious as the next one — it also will often provide a little light relief in the same way as the music and dancing .
21 But the shock and outrage simulated by those who write these stories only perpetrate the idea that such goings-on are rare and extraordinary .
22 Oh I used to think ‘ how beautiful ’ if such a thing were possible , but I had no idea that such love was thought vile .
23 She had had no idea that such events still took place .
24 The idea that such standardization will lead to a lack of choice is not correct , rather it will increase it .
25 All the patterns observed with a truncated polymerase and CRP are the juxtaposition of the individual patterns of CRP and α-C deleted polymerase consistent with the idea that both proteins bind independently to the lac UV5 promoter .
26 One of the assumptions that underlies a traditional approach to the role of the tutor is the idea that more effort , direction , control , leadership , motivation and so on by the tutor is better .
27 Given this , it is impossible to avoid the idea that another part of the difference between the causal items and their effects is that the causal items exist at a time when their effects do not .
28 The German naturalist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel ( 1834–1919 ) is generally regarded as the first to put forward the idea that these changes in the embryo retrace our evolutionary history .
29 Similarly , the idea that these changes in social and personal life were being partly supplanted by alternative forms of close-knit association was also shared by a wide range of authors .
30 I think this idea that these magazines are read only by the young is totally wrong , er , elderly women go to the libraries and the Mills and Boon 's section is one of their favourite places , its got more stock there than any of the more serious fiction , so there must be something in it that is satisfying their need for romance perhaps .
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