Example sentences of "action be taken [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We felt this was a particularly provocative stance considering much of the cost could have been saved had action been taken earlier .
2 The United States declared that all non-humanitarian US economic support would be withheld " until the democratic process is restored " ; nor would action be taken on Romania 's bid to regain " most favoured nation " trade status , which would allow low tariffs for exports to the USA .
3 ‘ The lurching from one crisis to another , compared to the decisive action being taken abroad , demonstrates that the Government has entirely lost its grip .
4 If action were taken early before the restoration of the pavements outside the Cornmill Centre there would be less work to be done on the scheme .
5 They demanded that no action be taken on the SED-PDS proposal , involving creation of a new Office for the Protection of the Constitution , until after the general election .
6 The right of action is taken away ; …
7 Alongside our desire to see new legislation , we believe that it is essential that positive action is taken immediately to tackle all existing minerals permissions .
8 Unless action is taken soon , many rural areas will become economically unsustainable .
9 Whatever action is taken on the final report of the Buea project ( and I have fears that the heavy reliance on expatriate experts in the project and in drawing up the report may not contribute to its being widely read and followed in Cameroon ) there can be no question that the project marks an important landmark in curriculum planning in Africa .
10 Unless action is taken only the rich will be able to contemplate being solicitors and only those firms doing commercial work are going to offer traineeships .
11 ‘ Unless action is taken more will continue to arrive — to be wretched and disappointed in their turn .
12 Unfortunately , for many millions of people , no action was taken on either occasion .
13 So no action was taken on the ideas of the Layfield Committee .
14 The action was taken on grounds of conducting unauthorised business and making unsolicited calls and misleading statements , SIB said , and prevents LWI and from continuing to do this and from disposing or dealing with any assets .
15 Action was taken on the poll tax .
16 In his opening remarks US President George Bush called for further research before any action was taken on global warming .
17 No firm action was taken on methyl bromide , a pesticide used as a fumigant , which has also been found to destroy ozone , and officials merely recommended a freeze on production and consumption at 1992 levels by 1995 , with a 25 per cent cut by the year 2000 .
18 In consequence , it was submitted , the relevant action was taken not by the society , the report was not required by the society for its own purposes and was thus not in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance , and a report negligently prepared could not constitute maladministration or a breach of the society 's obligations under any contract .
19 Gateshead Family Health Service 's Authority admitted it had known what was going on for more than a year , but action was taken only after a patient contacted them .
20 No legal action was taken so the locals were left to seethe with no redress .
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