Example sentences of "action [is] taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our environmental goals can not be successfully achieved unless action is taken across the Community .
2 By taking part , individuals also put direct pressure on the Government to ensure that some real action is taken at the Earth Summit — politicians will only act when enough people demand that they do something .
3 Each case must be considered on its own merits though it is important that action is taken at the appropriate time .
4 In practice no action is taken for those making satisfactory progress , but recommendations are made , in the form of a series of standard letters , where special action is required in respect of individual students .
5 The next question is whether such action is taken in relation to the grant or refusal to grant a further loan .
6 The fundamental proposition of the 1982 Act is that the immunity of trade unions in tort is totally abolished , though the union enjoys the same defences as an individual where action is taken in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute .
7 Some courts in such circumstances will mark the court record so that further applications are brought to the district judge 's notice before any action is taken in the court office .
8 Action is taken against parents , for it is they who carry the burden of ensuring that the child attends school .
9 It is a paradox that while sex crimes are popularly abhorred little action is taken against the majority of offenders .
10 Disciplinary action is taken against any pharmacist who fails to comply and the royal society 's inspectors , in their role as enforcers of both the Medicines Act and the profession 's code of standards , visit community pharmacists regularly .
11 Who are defined as enemies and what action is taken against them varies from country to country and from time to time .
12 In calling for an ‘ unprecedented management ’ initiative to offset the effects of reduced staffing levels , Derek Dean did not mince words : ‘ It is not an over statement to say that a crisis is imminent and can only be averted if action is taken by all concerned as a matter of extreme urgency . ’
13 It is not an overstatement to say that a crisis is imminent and can only be averted if action is taken by all concerned as a matter of extreme urgency .
14 ( 2 ) Regulations shall provide that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by a magistrates ' court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Crown Court and that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by the Crown Court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Court of Appeal .
15 ( 2 ) Regulations shall provide that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by a magistrates ' court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Crown Court and that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by the Crown Court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Court of Appeal .
16 The question is whether the institutions will adopt the same rather altruistic attitude that they did then now that their income from even the best-performing companies will shrink permanently unless action is taken by the companies to leave them with the same net effect .
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