Example sentences of "became a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain in the early days of cinema , prosecutions were brought not for obscenity , but for breaches of licensing conditions , and when certification became the rule in 1923 , legal actions ceased for half a century until sex suddenly became a burning media issue in most Western countries .
2 In 1920 , Croydon Aerodrome became a civilian airport , operated by Imperial Airways ( the local Council thought it should be called Wallington Airport ) .
3 In 1926 he became a commissioned officer in the Salvation Army , a commission he resigned in 1944 when his interest in spiritual matters had developed beyond the bounds of Salvationism .
4 Effectively , therefore , Blake became a triple agent .
5 Abutment was reduced to a minimum , transepts were often not built and the plan became a simple rectangle .
6 Working on the torch principle the gun became a simple projector .
7 Perhaps , after all , anguish died with time , and life became a simple matter of bills and procreation and sometimes going to parties .
8 Now Potts J. has illuminated the way for the definitive judgment of Phillips J. As they have shown , the plaintiffs claim that each was injured when at birth he or she became a legal person damaged by the prior act of the respective defendants , and that when each such act was done it was reasonably foreseeable that it might result in the plaintiff being born damaged .
9 On the night he came to Edinburgh , sitting up with Boswell in James 's Court until two o'clock in the morning , they talked of a recent case in which a murder , committed twenty years before , became a legal talking-point when the judges of Scotland allowed , as a plea , the length of time elapsed .
10 The thunder of the surf became a muted whisper , driven into silence by the rustling of branches and the innumerable calls of night animals , bats and insects .
11 This became a forward base for the NPFL , and reports told of ships being diverted to Buchanan and their cargoes used to replenish the rebel supplies .
12 The conscious articulation of the ideology was a product both of political crisis — the fear of social disintegration for which the breakdown of familial and sexual order became a striking metaphor — and of the self-development of an increasingly dominant class .
13 In the schools , French became a compulsory language at the very moment when Arab nationalists were enjoying the linguistic triumph of Arabic over the Turkish of the now broken Ottoman Empire , a victory which had important political implications for the concept of Arab unity .
14 By negotiation when the rain had stopped , the proposed deer-spotting walk became a combined walk and trap shoot .
15 TESL was run as an alternative methods course for a few years , until TEFL/TESL became a combined methods course in 1986 .
16 It gradually descended and changed in colour , until it became a blue-grey mist seething over the heads of the musicians , almost as if the sweat generated by their exertions was steaming in cold air above them .
17 Luckily we killed it before it became a full-blown institution and today no one seriously expects that food , or clothing , or even that overriding necessity , a television set , should be subsidised for all consumers , still less for a minority .
18 The rush became a deep howl , inside and outside her head .
19 Tinned meat from 1860 , cheap refrigerated meat from New Zealand from 1880 , fish , packed in ice and moved rapidly by the new railway system ; all became a cheap commonplace of working-class diet .
20 After co-starring with Sinatra in Kings Go Forth in 1958 , Tony Curtis became a temporary member .
21 The tank became a temporary home for most of John and Jenny 's livestock during the creation of the new pond .
22 Cancer victim Alfred McTear , 48 , is suing Imperial Tobacco and his home became a temporary courtroom to enable him to give preliminary evidence for a court case he is unlikely to live long enough to see .
23 Such vertical moves ‘ became a standardized system for technology transfer as employees of large firms with advanced technological knowledge , as well as employees of subcontracting firms , split off and formed their own businesses ’ ( Y. Sato 1984 p.21 ) .
24 Light streamed from him , and his hair became a golden aureole about his narrow skull .
25 Filled for the first time in twenty years , Lake Eyre became a rich source of food , attracting tens of thousands of birds whose closest usual breeding area is five hundred miles to the south .
26 ‘ Out Of The Blue ’ was fractured in the extreme , ‘ Heartland ’ became a loose-limbed skank , and Marr more than proved his worth on ‘ Violence of Truth ’ .
27 France imported considerable numbers in the 1850s and 1860s and became a useful reservoir of lines which were later extinct in England .
28 The suppression and control of internal and external enemies became a useful safety valve for German society , but in practice there was little in the way of a genuine Polish threat for the Prussians to fear .
29 Sub-contracting became a useful tool for cost-cutting and avoiding responsibilities to the workforce .
30 An Indian boy of Hindu parents was strongly influenced by Christian friends and himself became a committed follower of Christ .
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