Example sentences of "became [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 Willie was soon forgotten , and became mixed into the group again .
2 When made into handbags , the leather ceased to exist as separate goods and became absorbed into the handbags .
3 When the power of the higher civil service declined after 1942 and the state administration became absorbed into the party structure , the running of the economy was handed over to the most powerful monopolists .
4 Another disadvantage of the cementation process was that impurities from the zinc ore , such as iron , became incorporated into the alloy and had a detrimental effect on its mechanical and corrosion-resistant properties .
5 Some bacteria , such as the one that causes syphilis , have flagellae ; and it seems likely that flagellae and cilia originated as parasitic bacteria which , instead of causing disease , remained and became incorporated into the cell as the relationship was mutually beneficial .
6 The actual physical growth of the city helped this process , for many newer industries had been established in areas which lay outside the official boundaries but which became incorporated into the municipal administrative areas by the 1860s .
7 Through a sophisticated structural analysis of features ranging from window position to door latch , Glassie-reconstructs a major change taking place around the late 1870s ( 1975 : 182 , 185 ) , in which chimneys and central halls became incorporated into the main building , and a new concern with symmetry appears , along with a homogenization of the exterior around a more conspicuously ordered façade .
8 All the evolutionary changes or events , however defined in relation to time or magnitude , became locked into the unchangeable process of creation and re-creation .
9 Something that became woven into the legend and the myth of the day , ’ said Dierdriu .
10 I became assimilated into the gay community and my identity as a Black person sloughed off me .
11 The general effect of widespread miscegenation was , as in North American the creation of large number of métis , many of whom became assimilated into the ‘ Russian ’ population of Siberia .
12 Practically every device of the movies started as a special effect and became assimilated into the everyday language of film , just like metaphor in language .
13 The Celts , who migrated into the Balkans in the fourth century BC and settled mainly in the northern lowlands , became assimilated into the Illyrian community , the chief legacy of their presence being numerous Celtic elements in place names .
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