Example sentences of "became [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 erm If you were not so much an artist as a technician , you became as a technician interested in what this camera of yours could do , and therefore George Albert Smith , who was primarily I would say a technical man rather than an artist , he was very interested in the trick film .
2 The land revenue tax ( at first as much as a third of a peasant 's gross yearly produce ) had to be paid no matter how bad the harvest or how impoverished the family became as a result .
3 The appeal of St James , and his influence , became for a space immense ; his cockle shell a great mark of prestige and spiritual hope worn by successful pilgrims , or those who wished to be thought so , for centuries to come .
4 Rye stood out from most other towns in that it became for a while a Puritan ‘ Common Wealth ’ , a centre of social experiment and rigorous public morality under its two vicars , Joseph Beeton and his successor John Allen .
5 Before long , however , the euphoria and hope turned to terror and tyranny , and first under the Committee of Public Safety and the Triumvirate , and then led by the Corsican dictator Napoleon , France became for a time , a threat to every nation in Europe .
6 His chief undertaking , Fowey Consols , became for a time the second largest producer in Cornwall .
7 Indeed , this became for a time a veritable obsession , giving rise in some academic circles to the idea of a whole new field of study , to be called ‘ psephology ’ , and in the lower reaches of political communication to the massive television coverage of national elections , in which precise calculations of ‘ swings ’ from one party to another and predictions of the eventual outcome of the electoral contest tended to overshadow any serious discussion of the substance of political conflicts .
8 The glass before them became like a mirror for the briefest time but it was a distorting , ghost-train mirror , more shadow than substance-with his mind adding hallucinatory details to the little that he could see .
9 Then one day I was standing there on a dune top , straining against the pull of the wind in the kite , gripping and hauling and sensing and adjusting and twisting , when one of those twists became like a strangle around Esmerelda 's neck , and the idea was there .
10 One man who was attendant to the condemned men said that cell 13 became like a church .
11 As tasks were broken down the office became like a production line for mental work .
12 It became like a chant , a mantra for him ; Half Moon Crescent , Half-Moon-Crescent , Halfmooncrescent …
13 It sounds straightforward , but became like a marathon through a molasses maze of rules , regulations and other difficulties before securing a profitable sale .
14 Remarkable how emotionally involved one became with a situation like this — on the one hand wanting to keep the hospital 's backwater unrippled , on the other finding the stir and the fuss and the questioning exciting , even rather agreeably so .
15 It was he who tended most to be swallowed up by the show 's overall style and it was therefore he who became in a sense ultimately dispensable .
16 Diplomatic activity and international agreements became in a sense tactical , adhered to only when upholding the pursuit of the all-important ‘ self-sufficiency ’ .
17 He thus became in a sense a monarch , though one whose powers were strictly limited and often jealously scrutinized by the provincial estates .
18 Having to absorb this phenomenon — for such the eighteen-and-a-half-year-old became within a month or two , despite all the swirl of competition ( from local airfields and ancient academies ) — the Oxford undergraduates graciously invented a school and background which made it easier for them to justify taking him on board .
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