Example sentences of "gave way [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Above them , something gave way with a long , rending metallic screech .
2 The internal politics of Surrealism were complicated by rivalries and ideological disputes ; in the case of André Breton 's association with Dali , his earlier support gave way to a denunciation of the artist , who was expelled from the group .
3 The summer , which was a glorious one that year , gave way to a gusty autumn , and , as is the way with these things , after the autumn came the winter .
4 A biology of hierarchy grounded in a metaphysically prior ‘ great chain of being ’ gave way to a biology of incommensurability in which the relationship of men to women , like that of apples to oranges , was not given as one of equality or inequality but rather as a difference whose meaning required interpretation and struggle .
5 The peonies on the wall faded and gave way to a thick , wooded hillside .
6 That carefully planned emphasis on diversity , however , gave way to a more consistent Austro-German bias when the promised Ravel was replaced by some meaty , exultantly played , but dramatically awkward cuts from Wagner 's Gotterdammerung , leaving Corigliano as the daring odd man out .
7 So in 1989 petrol power gave way to a 1.8-litre diesel Escort , which has now been replaced by the latest version .
8 The turbine eventually gave way to a pair of diesel engines .
9 Transformation gave way to a grim fight for survival .
10 After research had begun to throw some light on to the physics of plasmas , invention gave way to a more scientific approach .
11 The shrubbery gave way to a patch of sycamore trees .
12 If this policy was genuine , it soon gave way to a much wider attack which meant that no religious order survived in England after 1540 .
13 The relatively simple early house , with its common hall and few private rooms in a single storey , gave way to a more complicated pattern of two-storeyed dwellings with a number of much more specialised rooms .
14 If this social ascendancy depended on land it was reinforced by the widespread rebuilding of country seats in the eighteenth century and the reordering of the ornamental parks which surrounded them ; the symmetrical English formality of the grander Tudor houses and gardens gave way to a new Italianate classicism which combined with an image of the countryside often quite distinct from the comparative agricultural disorder which remained outside the pales of their civilised owners .
15 He slumped down on his bed and gave way to a brief and painful fit of crying .
16 My initial homesickness at school soon gave way to a dread of going home , home to a place where no one understood me , no one spoke the same language as I did , and no one showed the slightest interest in what I had been doing , thinking or feeling during my absence .
17 Lucinda 's smile gave way to a throaty laugh .
18 The studio system that had allowed film to become a vibrant force commercially and aesthetically gave way to a newly wrought independence .
19 Once Today moved into Rupert Murdoch 's News group it changed its politics ; its neutral stance and its support for a middle-of-the-road SDP government in the 1987 general election gradually gave way to a more Conservative outlook .
20 The early life in the pitch , which the New Zealand bowlers had failed to exploit after Crowe had put England in to bat , soon gave way to a surface which offered precious little to any bowler , Tufnell included .
21 As the feeding group dispersed , the atmosphere rapidly calmed down , and the screams gave way to a succession of peaceful feeding grunts .
22 The Weimar system of Communists , Social Democrats , liberals , Catholic Centre and conservative parties gave way to a broad two-party system , such as already existed in Britain , with the FDP running a poor third .
23 In much the way that curriculum development and in-service education relinquished their dependence on centralised projects and courses and came to be focused on the particular contexts of schools , so also the preoccupation of project evaluation with theoretical models and procedures gave way to a practical need to solve concrete problems of educational practice in schools .
24 Late in October 1951 Labour gave way to a Churchill-led Conservative government .
25 Student protests continued , but the apocalyptic ethos of the revolutionaries gave way to a more mature , responsible support for liberal reform .
26 Taken together with the finding that an initial RVF superiority on a visual reaction time task gave way to a LVF superiority when subjects were required to simultaneously hold in memory a list of nouns ( Hellige , Cox and Litvac , 1979 ) , this implies that dynamic shifts in attention are insufficient to explain all perceptual laterality effects .
27 Grief gave way to a guilt which gnawed at him .
28 But he knew he would not see them here — they were much further north and anyway he would know he was near them when the crows gave way to a different more sinister corvid-the hooded crows , the vicious crows whose kind had once nearly succeeded in killing Minch when she was trapped near Callanish .
29 She went into the bedroom and gave way to a burst of weeping .
30 -After maybe ten or twelve yards , the right-hand wall gave way to a right-angled turn which felt of a similar width to the one I was in .
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