Example sentences of "gave her [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In all her suppressed longing for David , Julia had never imagined such gentleness as he gave her that night or such freedom .
2 Incidentally , did you know who gave her that nickname originally ? ’
3 ‘ You know , I gave her that room to herself when she came to us , because I thought it would be better , and she treated me like a servant — well , you saw , did n't you ? — and when she 'd got all the fun and sense of power out of that little game she started coming down with us .
4 Her Mum give , her Mum gave her thirty pounds one Saturday , for nuffink right .
5 and she gave her iced buns .
6 He just gave her one look .
7 She gave me a slap and I gave her one back .
8 When they arrived at Beaconville , where three elderly people lived together , Mrs Abigail gave her one dinner to carry but she dropped it while trying to open the hall-door .
9 She was always so in control about everything which is what gave her this air of being much older than just twenty-seven .
10 ‘ The hospital gave her this wig .
11 I had found out that her name was Miss Vulcan and I gave her this information as well as telling her that Miss Vulcan had a brother named Freddie who visited her and that he was a little old man who wore a black cap on his head and sported a goatee beard .
12 She began to tremble , but although he must surely have known that she was not enjoying what he was doing , he said and did nothing to reassure her , nor gave her any sign of love or affection .
13 But if her astrologer gave her any warning , she 's not telling anyone .
14 And I 'm sure I never gave her any reason to be so high-and-mighty ! ’
15 Earthy type , she used to say , but it was all talk with him and he never gave her any trouble that she told me about . ’
16 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
17 Anyway , there is no hint that he gave her any encouragement at all .
18 I did all the usual stuff — I gave her some money and stuck her on a tube train to a night shelter , but while I was walking out of the tube station , I thought to myself , ‘ you complacent bitch ’ ’ you know .
19 He gave her some money and they said goodbye .
20 Stapleton and Sir Charles gave her some money .
21 Mind you , it was partly her fault ; they could afford to live without her factory work , but it gave her some company and a feeling of contributing to society .
22 Next I gave her some lavender essence to put in the bath ( a tin bath in front of the kitchen range ) .
23 When at last she gained some independence by taking a job which gave her some income of her own , she suddenly put her foot down .
24 Anna would n't speak of it at all for some time ; later we heard about Simon 's will — he left her various things , his art library for instance ( it 's a wonderful one ) — and it gave her some kind of peace .
25 Beryl gave her some advice before she left on the night flight the following Friday .
26 ‘ Apparently , her cat had very bad plaque on its teeth and she was really concerned , so I gave her some advice and Amy has been in touch ever since .
27 He agreed , and gave her some ointment .
28 ‘ Still in Mariánské Láznë , ’ Fabia replied , and chatted to her mother for a few more minutes , until her mother promptly gave her another worry to add to her collection .
29 Guido gave her another shake , holding her there by the scruff of her pyjama jacket .
30 But Finn came and sat beside her and gave her another cream bun , which she accepted gladly as a token of friendship , although she did not want it .
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