Example sentences of "gave [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 She was the strongest of us all , the wisest and the kindest — she gave hope to the sad and courage to the weak .
2 But he ran out of steam in the closing stages , took a 6 at the long sixth , and gave hope to the rest that the £41,660 top prize might still be available .
3 I WAS surprised to read that Terry Charman of the Imperial War Museum gave credence to the myth that the loss of life during one of the Slapton Sands invasion rehearsals had been ‘ kept quiet for 40 years ’ .
4 This contained several passages which gave credence to the idea that the nature of the IRA and its aims were unchanged :
5 This is not proof , of course , that there was no reasonable expectation of trouble ; the late announcement of the ban , however , gave credence to the assumption that it had only been prompted by the Apprentice Boys march , and that the Government , as in Dungannon , was allowing a loyalist organisation to manipulate the situation so that an opposition demonstration would be banned .
6 But the London office checked it out and confirmed that the sheer secrecy of the Bedford police gave credence to the story .
7 The survival of Catholic recusancy and the existence of large numbers of ungodly and seemingly unregenerate vagrants and dissolutes gave credence to the idea of reprobation .
8 The style and ease of the execution of the coup gave credence to the view that Fujimori was still in control of the army which , in keeping with his claim that his main purpose was to root out corruption in the Congress and the judiciary , restricted its actions to seizing control of government buildings in the capital , Lima , and placing under house arrest a dozen opposition politicians ( who were subsequently released ) , including the main opposition American Popular Revolutionary Alliance ( APRA ) former Economy Minister Abel Salinas , the former Interior Minister Augustín Mantilla , and a leading APRA trade unionist , Luis Negreiros .
9 This gave credence to the claims of some transferred Sendero women prisoners who told human rights workers that they had seen at least two women surrender who were later officially reported to have died in the fighting .
10 While Democrats in Congress gave support to the President 's decision to launch the biggest US military operation since the Vietnam War , Russia expressed ‘ deep concern ’ for what it dubbed gunboat diplomacy which violated the UN Charter .
11 They gave support to the Beacon and Elfreda Rathbone nurseries and most members saw these settings as the best places to ‘ treat ’ children .
12 The French gave support to the Scots who , from very early on in the new reign , caused trouble in the north ; while to the west , in Wales , where Owain Glyn Dŵr was to rise against English rule in 1400 , French troops landed and at one time might have been seen in the Herefordshire countryside .
13 A second series of influential studies that gave support to the model presented in chapter 4 — this time to its prediction that only unanticipated changes in aggregate demand have real output effects — were those of Barro ( 1977a , 1978a ; see also Barro and Rush , 1980 ) .
14 In 1937 its Annual Conference gave support to the formation of a " Workers Front " , a coalition of socialist groups for specifically radical objectives .
15 The happy faces of many , the vacant stare of astonishment of others , and the alarm depicted on the countenance of some , gave variety to the picture ’ , was the scene set by an onlooker .
16 Word of his coming gave heart to the High Elves .
17 Before 1970 it was largely left to the Weights and Measures Departments of local authorities to enforce those statutes which gave protection to the consumer of goods and they often took the view that they had no competence to deal with complaints which did not indicate a possible breach of the criminal law .
18 There Millett J having held that the part of a non-solicitation clause which gave protection to the plaintiff was valid but that the part which sought to give protection to an associated company of the plaintiff was invalid had then to decide whether the invalid part could be severed or whether the whole clause was invalid .
19 ( ii ) gave money to the addict in your life because he or she would be in trouble if you did not .
20 ‘ There is Andrus , ’ they will say , ‘ the man who gave money to the Moslems to use against the Copts . ’ ’
21 The costumes were for the most part composed of homespun cloth of native dye , though now and again gay neckerchiefs — the manufacture of the south country — gave liveliness to the head ; while now and again a bright-coloured shawl was pinned across the shoulders of the women .
22 Berkeley 's theory gave rise to the development of modern externalist theories of mental content .
23 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
24 This gave rise to the phrase Beecher 's Bibles , a harking back to the nickname — Breeches Bible — for the translation of the Bible issued in 1560 .
25 If , however , we wish to prove the existence of ‘ the back of ’ something using quite different criteria of testimony and disallowing all those activities which gave rise to the concept in the first place , then perhaps our proof of the uncertainty of the existence of backs will be less powerful than has been imagined .
26 On the other hand , the chance of a ‘ surprise ’ Conservative victory ( bringing with it a soaring pound and a quick cut to interest rates , which would in turn boost the economy ) gave rise to the thought that the index might go up by 300 points .
27 Some seven years before the death of King Charles II , Princess Mary of England had married William of the House of Orange , and that gave rise to the English-Dutch alliance in 1678 .
28 The classification of the natural world is supposed to reflect the great ordering process that itself gave rise to the variety and diversity of animals and plants that are alive today : the process of evolution .
29 At some time in the Permo-Triassic one group of reptiles ( ‘ mammal-like reptiles ’ ) actually gave rise to the warm-blooded mammals , which were to lead a rather subordinate existence during the heyday of the dinosaurs .
30 Scientific breakthroughs made this seem possible and gave rise to the Green Revolution .
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