Example sentences of "felt [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 If ever I felt I had been rude to her or disobedient , I always felt ashamed .
2 I felt I had been pretty severely punished by the DTI report — I had lost my job and been kicked out of an occupation which I thoroughly enjoyed .
3 I felt I had been pretty severely punished by the DTI report .
4 It was a relief to get a flight the next morning , yet I felt I 'd been dragged away from Dominica : I had not explored its dangerous magic as I ought to have done .
5 I read everything I could find about France ( since France was my dream country , where I felt I 'd been meant to be born and grow up … ) and developed a particular passion for the French Revolution , reading all the Scarlet Pimpernel books , the story of the first Madame Tussaud , forced to model the guillotined heads , and everything that I could find that would bring it all to life .
6 ‘ I felt I 'd been caught in some street scam .
7 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
8 After that row with my father , I felt I 'd been turned down by them all .
9 Jay felt she had been too long alone on her pure-white sandy desert island .
10 On Mrs Thatcher and Europe , he felt she had been ‘ locked in the bunker surrounded by sycophants so long that she 's lost touch with reality .
11 She was always prepared to the utmost and if she felt she had been given good advice , then she took it immediately .
12 I sent her Nit Ac LM1 and did n't hear anything for a year when she rang up with a headache — it turned out that the anal fissure had cleared quickly and she felt she had been miraculously well given her sister had been murdered 12mths previously and she 'd had 4 months leave of absence from work to deal with the aftermath which had involved her nephew joining the family .
13 While she had n't actually been demoted , she felt she had been moved sideways , possibly because word had drifted through to those in authority who controlled our movements that the American already had a wife and children in the States .
14 Suitably armed , the Princess felt confident enough to write a long and detailed rejoinder to her irate father-in-law which effectively spelled out the way she felt she had been treated by husband , the Royal Family and their courtiers .
15 It prompted Diana to speak to a lawyer and write to her father-in-law spelling out the way she felt she had been treated by her husband , the Royal Family and their courtiers .
16 She felt she had been tactically outwitted , and she hated him for it .
17 She felt she had been rather too brutally frank , and regretted it , because she did n't dislike Miguel Rafaelo .
18 Rachel suddenly felt she 'd been through an emotional wringer .
19 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
20 If the ‘ Hooligans ’ were regarded as an un-English phenomenon , they were also understood as an entirely unprecedented development and respectable England felt itself to have been suddenly engulfed in a new rush of crime .
21 One may cite not only the case of the group already mentioned which felt itself to have been ill-treated at the hands of Civizade , but also the experience of Kadiri Celebi , the Mufti in the time of Suleyman , who spent nine years in great hardship as a before receiving an appointment , probably at the beginning of the second decade of the sixteenth century .
22 The researchers concluded that ‘ one may infer that many felt there had been a conflict between studying for interest 's sake and studying for examination success ’ .
23 Here they felt there had been much progress .
24 Regarding effect on lifestyle , 154 ( 36% ) sufferers felt there had been a great deal or fair amount of effect ( 55 ( 45% ) men and 99 ( 34% ) women ) .
25 Many of the journalists felt they 'd been the innocent victims of a political decision .
26 I do n't have to look too far back in there when we started this whole process , four or five years of throwing it all up in the air to say that I felt every pupil could comment in some way , something that they had enjoyed , something they felt they 'd been successful at , something they felt they found difficult , something that had pleased them , surely every child could comment on wo , if it 's just one of those things
27 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
28 They felt they 'd been made fools of … and the ring is some sort of family heirloom and his father went on as if it was all Rick 's fault that Angy had made off with it . ’
29 The best players ; but with so many good players we could alternate the groups so that no one felt they had been left out .
30 Some students felt they had been rather hard pressed in relation to their knowledge of chemistry , but Coleman rightly said that a properly educated gentleman could be expected to understand the general principles and applications of chemical science .
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