Example sentences of "make [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 However , the 1988 Act does make provision for the ‘ whole curriculum ’ ( in section 1 ) .
2 Relocation policies may make provision for the payment of storage charges , for instance at Cadbury Schweppes and VAG .
3 Such orders may make provision for the examination of witnesses , either orally or in writing ; for the production of documents ; for the inspection , photographing , preservation , custody or detention of any property ; for the taking of samples of any property and the carrying out of any experiments on or with any property ; for the medical examination of any person ; and for the taking and testing of samples of blood from any person .
4 The terms and conditions should make provision for the following items .
5 The professor shall have the charge of such laboratory or department and of such collections as may be assigned to him by decree , and shall make provision for the lighting , warming , water-supply , and cleansing of the buildings assigned to him .
6 Having settled the principle , the partners must make provision for the actual event .
7 If the term of the new lease is to exceed , say , five years , the draftsman should make provision for the inclusion in the new lease of machinery for reviewing the rent .
8 If the landlord proves the stronger , the draftsman should make provision for the assessment of rent for empty property .
9 ( ii ) Changing house — Most court orders relate to a specific property and do not make provision for the wife moving house and occupying another property upon similar terms and conditions .
10 Meanwhile , more than half way through her pregnancy , Suzanne Jones ca n't make plans for the future .
11 The basic principle of a budget is straightforward it 's to forecast your forecast your expend expenses so they can make plans for the future .
12 ‘ I promised to help make costumes for the next production .
13 Anyone who has made the mistake of parking at harvest-time under the trees which line the Place Drouet d'Erlon in Reims , will realise that most of Champagne 's bird life return each night to this one street to rest and make room for the following day 's gorging of grapes .
14 They wanted to recover a wider , more comprehensive vision of the church , one which could include and make room for the different forms in which the church had appeared through history , and in this way to overcome the deeply entrenched divisions between the separated confessions and denominations .
15 The moral to be drawn is that if we are to give an account of knowledge which does not include a requirement of certainty , our account should make room for the notion of certainty somewhere ; if it sees certainty as a requirement for a knowledge claim it needs to be able to explain in its own terms why that should be so .
16 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
17 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
18 Grants of any kind are usually only given for a proportion of the cost of the work to be done , but when necessary , local authorities can make loans for the balance , on which interest has to be paid .
19 Many of the townsfolk were waiting , ready to move out and make trouble for the enemy when the camp was roused .
20 Upon a decree for dissolution of a marriage or judicial separation , the court may make orders for the custody , maintenance , and education of the children , for financial provision to be made for the wife , and for varying marriage settlements .
21 First , under section 6 , when granting a warrant , the Home Secretary must make arrangements for the purpose of securing that : ( a ) the extent to which the material is disclosed ; ( b ) the number of persons to whom the material is disclosed ; ( c ) the extent to which the material is copied ; and ( d ) the number of copies made of any material is limited in each case to the minimum that is necessary .
22 It is essential that relatives have adequate warning so that they can make arrangements for the patient 's homecoming .
23 Thus instead of writing If the Seller shall have given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection , and the Buyer shall fail to collect them within seven days from service of such notice , the Seller shall be entitled to make arrangements for the storage of the goods and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage the drafter could write If after the Seller has given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection , the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days , the Seller may make arrangements for the storage of the goods and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage .
24 This structure is followed in the example given above and can be broken down as follows : If after the Seller has given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection [ case ] , the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days [ condition ] , the Seller [ subject ] may make arrangements for the storage of the goods [ action ] and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage .
25 A better version would therefore read : If the Seller gives the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection but the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days of service of that notice , the following provisions shall apply : ( a ) the Seller may make arrangements for the storage of the goods until they are collected and ( b ) the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred in connection with the storage of the goods .
26 Does it really make sense for the Government to spend £10 million advertising the global benefits of energy savings while still adding 17.5 per cent VAT to insulation materials ?
27 A top source said in Dublin : ‘ It would make sense for the President to time his visit to coincide with the opening of Barrettstown Castle as Paul 's first camp in Europe .
28 The EFA should therefore be a prime target for spending cuts , but at the same time , does n't it make sense for the Government to ‘ bite the bullet ’ on another contentious issue , viz. the future of the Rosyth dockyard ?
29 It will make sense for the partnership agreement ( Clause 17.01 ) to contain appropriate details as to the election procedures and basic provisions as to the length of tenure and the circumstances in which a senior partner can be required to stand down .
30 In a town where the politics of two great interests clashed , it was essential to make the best possible use of any means of influence and to have a deputy functioning in the regality court in a way which would make friends for the duke 's interest rather than enemies .
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