Example sentences of "after he have [be] " in BNC.

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1 After he had been found guilty of homosexual offences and sentenced to two years ' imprisonment with hard labour , the press subjected Oscar Wilde to vicious attack .
2 For him , life began to turn on a Sunday evening two weeks ago in his Bratislava prison cell after he had been pardoned by the country 's president , Mr Gustav Husak .
3 The England international sent goalkeeper Jan Stejskal the wrong way after he had been tripped by the keeper as he chased a weak back pass into the penalty area .
4 According to the reports , Dr Asvat was killed after he had been called to the old Mandela home to examine Stompie when he was beaten .
5 He took the decision soon after he had been elected Speaker in 1983 .
6 Just after the end of the Falklands conflict , my second husband died , suddenly and unexpectedly , almost forty years to the day after he had been wounded and taken prisoner at Tobruk while serving with the Royal Durban Light Infantry in the ill-fated 2nd South African Division .
7 In the autumn of 1955 , some six months after he had been in Berlin , Blake approached his superiors with the suggestion that he should pretend to become an agent working for the Russians .
8 After he had been withdrawn or expelled from St John 's College , Grace sent him to the local government school , Highlands North .
9 There is a story that Old Dobbin , even after he had been retired from active fire service , would still , by force of habit and for the excitement of it , try to get out of his stable to find his place between the fire-engine shafts whenever the alarm rang .
10 One of these was held on Friday , 4th June , 1858 , the day after he had been nominated a member of the Select Committee , when the guests included Scott , Cockerell , Charles Barry , Digby Wyatt and Street .
11 The Institute first considered the possibility of extending openness to disciplinary hearings at the request of Council member Douglas Llambias , after he had been refused admittance as an observer to the Disciplinary Committee hearing into the conduct of Polly Peck administrators Michael Jordan and Richard Stone ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 14 ) .
12 She had been forced to admit to herself that Liza had not inherited her own fortitude and patience , which had helped her to nurse her future husband back to relative health in a Kent hospital after he had been wounded in the leg during the battle of Arras in 1918 .
13 Luke states that Jesus was offered ‘ sour wine ’ after he had been crucified .
14 ‘ Now do stop fussing around , ’ his wife said to him after he had been tossing and turning for about an hour .
15 After he had been held incommunicado for a month his family were allowed to visit him and found him in good health .
16 Germany 's captain Nikki Pilic , who had barely put the debacle surrounding Germany 's Olympic nominations behind him , came in for criticism for not resting Becker from the second day 's doubles , especially after he had been forced to play himself into the ground to beat Luis Mattar over five sets in exhausting heat on the first day .
17 After he had been sick in the handbasin , which he diligently cleaned up with paper-towels afterwards , he joined Duncan for their drive into St Petersburg .
18 He told us that Ed Riverton , who had a top job with INCUBUS , was dragged out of Helsinki harbour , ’ she shuddered , ‘ after he had been garrotted . ’
19 Lord Lovat attempted , without success , to replace one of his clansmen in his office of land waiter after he had been removed by the commissioners , without investigation , following a complaint that he had spoken disrespectfully of a supervisor .
20 One hour later , after he had been refreshed and had listened patiently to his grateful client 's sad story about the awful life she was leading at the hands of a brutal husband , Broomhead was on his way .
21 For instance the chronological grouping of particular watermarks has revealed that a small portrait of Petrus Sylvius , Saskia 's cousin , was printed twice : once in 1637 , which is the date below Rembrandt 's signature this was on the occasion of Sylvius 's move from Amsterdam to Friesland after he had been received as a minister of the church and again , in an unaltered state still carrying the date of 1637 much later , in 1653 .
22 With the family adamantly opposed to the match , Raine and Johnnie married quietly at Caxton Hall register office on July 14 , 1977 , shortly after he had been named in divorce proceedings by the Earl of Dartmouth .
23 It was after he had been spending a Sunday with her that the accident happened .
24 Even after he had been summoned to the Holy Office in April 1633 , Galileo could still arouse sympathy in high places .
25 His face and body were a mass of bruises after he had been attacked at his home by a forty-strong mob who were preparing to lynch him in the remains of his once beautiful garden when the military had arrived and bundled him into the back of a police van and brought him to La Tambier .
26 She met him again by chance on a train , after he had been lecturing at Bromley , and found him strangely excited , laughing like a manic-depressive and unable to sit still in the carriage .
27 The matter was reported to the police , but the proceedings against the man were discontinued after he had been charged with kidnapping .
28 ( S. ) 487 , where a young woman who had been raped took part in an attack on the man responsible , after he had been released from a sentence of 18 month 's imprisonment after serving six months .
29 The Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division granted the applicant a declaration to the effect that the Director was entitled to ask him questions after he had been charged but only after administering a fresh caution and that the fact of such a caution would be reasonable excuse for a refusal to answer within section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 .
30 In the absence of any relevant authority he went on to hold for two reasons that B could not be required , after he had been cautioned and charged , to furnish the information .
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