Example sentences of "after the first [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The reason is that after the first attempts had been made , some types , such as C , D and E , were found to be unnecessary .
2 At the time when there were doubts about whether or not the tour would go ahead , after the first invitations were largely turned down , numerous stories started to circulate that there would be money available and that sponsors were in the country looking for players .
3 The day after the first bombs hit Baghdad , Israel aimed a $100m deep-discounted zero-coupon issue at small investors in North America .
4 4 months after the first tenants moved in , the builders are already back in this council house on the infamous Innsworth Grove estate .
5 But after the first concerts , enthusiasm evaporated .
6 At one o'clock in the afternoon , eight hours after the first shots had been fired south of Charleroi , Sharpe met more cavalrymen ; this time a patrol in red-faced dark blue coats who thundered eagerly across a pasture to surround Sharpe and his two horses .
7 Source C " The impression left on the minds of those who heard the speech , after the first sensations of surprise had passed , was that the whole thing had been arranged long before and that , while in the Cabinet and committee they had been making panic stricken efforts to balance the budget , the whole business had been a humbug and make-believe . "
8 For most of the past two years , after the first cracks in the ice were heard , Eastern Europe 's future used to be seen something like this .
9 Feed weekly , beginning after the first flowers have set fruit .
10 ‘ Every Man Now , be his fortune what it will , is to be doing something at his Place , as the fashionable Phrase is , ’ writes an enthusiast in 1739 ‘ and you hardly meet with any Body , who , after the first Compliments , does not inform you , that he is in Mortar and moving of Earth ; the modest terms for Building and Gardening ’ .
11 Food is not only essential but can also be an exciting part of the afternoon 's entertainment , and most people arrange it for about an hour after the first children arrive .
12 After the first men were made , it relates , the noise of their many children was so great that the god of the earth could not sleep .
13 A few weeks after the first officials went into the remote poppy valley , the charity began receiving visits from Pakistani and Afghan tribesmen and landlords demanding large sums in ‘ compensation ’ .
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