Example sentences of "found [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or what you found about the conversation , but your completion is mainly about the insights of doing this erm , transcription .
2 Well erm made models with stones and other rubbish that we found about the place and a whole pile of had still standing .
3 The long-range effects of mutations in the variable loop we then found for the synthesis of m 2 2G26 prompted us to investigate if also the formation of modifications in the anticodon loop were sensitive to point mutations situated far away in the tRNA .
4 I repeat that if one adds to that the £40 million from the foundation , the £20 million a year for football and the £1 million that I found for the champion coaching scheme , it is clear that our commitment to sport is greater than anyone 's .
5 This is reflected in the significant interaction between FSE and SAM found for the change in external locus of control ( χ 2 =8.0 , df=1 ; p=0.005 ) .
6 In all but one he found for the complainant .
7 In the output equation the unpredictable monetary growth variables do have a significant , positive effect on real output , although the impacts of and are less significant than Barro found for the US .
8 Megarry VC found for the plaintiff and he said that four elements were necessary in testing for confidential quality : 1 .
9 Coleridge J. found for the defendant , his reasoning being as follows ,
10 MacKinnon J. found for the defendant and his decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal ( Greer and Greene L.JJ. , Talbot J. ) .
11 The plaintiffs sued for the defendant 's failure to honour this promise and the defendant pleaded lack of consideration , the plaintiffs being already under a duty of delivery by the contract with A. The Court of Exchequer ( Martin and Wilde BB. ) found for the plaintiffs : Wilde B. thought that the plaintiffs might have found it advantageous not to comply with their contract with A so that their agreement with the defendant was a detriment to them ; in any event , they agreed to part with the cargo to the defendant which was a benefit to him .
12 She would be ashamed if he found out the way she 'd sanctified the memory of his alter ego over the years .
13 But I found out the way to braid leather myself .
14 Here in Indonesia , at the most fragile geographical division between the earth 's outer , congealed crust and its inner , molten magma , we also found amongst the peoples themselves the thinnest division between our more recently evolved left-brain , rational faculties , and the millennia-old storehouse of right-brain intuitive wisdom .
15 Much of Greenfield 's paper derives from the theoretical foundations laid by Bernstein and she is surprised how closely the ‘ verbal deprivation ’ he identifies in working-class English youths corresponds to that which she found amongst the Wolof .
16 They found throughout the interviews that this man displayed the same discursive skills : using a number of key indicators such as the pronoun ‘ I ’ and its other forms ‘ me ’ and ‘ my ’ as indicators .
17 The key they found under the floor-mat in the car , or wherever .
18 An ideal product for 600dpi reproduction is a newspaper as the quality of the paper is such that high definition typesetting is simply wasted and , as Eddy Shah found with the Messenger Group papers , you actually need less printing ink .
19 Meanwhile he got on with what he found inside the citadel .
20 Again the ratio of DNA binding activity found in the nucleus to that found in the cytoplasm was constant in the two cell lines ( M. N. Ombra , unpublished results ) .
21 I went out and found in the court two corpses interlocked ; they were the bodies of the two young men who had before been with me in the room ...
22 In psycholinguistics , an item 's meaning , it is said , can be analysed into a number of semantic markers — components or features also found in the meanings of other items , eg the -ly of an adverb such as clearly — and a distinguisher , which is the residue of meaning after the markers have been deducted ( clear ) .
23 I think we are agreed , are we not , that it may be connected with the one which you and Julia found in the asylum out-buildings ? ’
24 ‘ But before I go I 'll have a look at the one I found in the asylum and the one Theodora got from Paul 's church . ’
25 ‘ Was Father Reynard found in the cemetery grounds ? ’
26 Many of the POU domain proteins bind to the octamer motif ATGCAAAT ( hence the designation Oct ) found in the promoters and enhancers of immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes , histone H2B and small nuclear RNA genes ( 29–31 ) .
27 For example , given the great emphasis on the family and monogamy in Victorian England they were delighted when they found in the work of anthropologists a statement that there had been societies with sexual freedom and no notion of the family .
28 This gallery is the farthest North found in the Survey .
29 this is why they were so excited about this one they found in the Lock , in the , in er Loch Ness , because it was in such superb condition and they actually reckon they can get it flying again .
30 ‘ We went through the contents of two handbags we found in the road .
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