Example sentences of "want see [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After spying him through the kitchen window with Mrs Files , so much himself , so much not Francis , I thought I did n't want to see him at all .
2 ‘ What the hell do you want to see him for ? ’ asked Brown .
3 The German and French leaders told the Prime Minister they did not want to see him in the run up to the Edinburgh summit , which begins on Friday .
4 and I 'm certainly wearing paint tonight , quite a bit of it because its very hot under here and you would n't want to see me without it , but that 's me saying that , I mean why do I ? , why do I ? , why are we all wearing make-up ? , do we actually think we look better ? , are we trying to disguise something ? , yes
5 ‘ Did you want to see me about something ? ’ said Wilcox impatiently .
6 D' you want to see me in prison ? ’
7 She could not imagine who might want to see her at this time on a Saturday morning .
8 They 'll want to see her for sure . ’
9 But after he had left them Rain wondered whether Shildon might not want to see her about his MacQuillan inquiry , a matter other events had put out of her mind .
10 I knew my wife did n't want to see it at all .
11 Local councillor Eddie McEvilly said : ‘ I do n't really want to talk about conditions on the operation , because I do n't want to see it at all . ’
12 It was so useful to have been on the road myself and to have experienced cold-calling , setting up new accounts , or merchandising accounts that did n't want to see you at that particular moment .
13 I 'll be looking at your statement later and I 'll probably want to see you in the next day or so . ’
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