Example sentences of "themselves in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of the third century a new name appeared in Roman records , though the people to whom it was applied had established themselves in the country much earlier .
2 They looked at themselves in the Hall of a Million Mirrors .
3 It is a sunset on the Atlantic , after a prolonged storm ; but the storm is partially lulled , and the torn and streaming rain-clouds are moving in scarlet lines to lose themselves in the hollow of the night .
4 The fact that the gung-ho tabloids have wrapped themselves in the Union Jack does not mean that they are accurately reflecting the public mood .
5 He talked on , feeling a great relief , thinking , it 's not surprising Catholics are able to preserve their sanity ; they can unburden themselves in the confessional .
6 Yet Chapman saw that the future of English football ultimately depended on the young , and he was particularly concerned to win youngsters over to soccer and away from rugby , a concern heightened by the fact that his two sow , Ken and Bruce , were distinguishing themselves in the rugby code .
7 Evans makes clear , in discussing a refutation of the Cartesian view of animal nature by a Jesuit , Père Bougeant ( 1739 ) , that it was the received ecclesiastical view that Satan 's allies , the myriad horde of fallen devils due for torment at the Day of Judgement , occupied themselves in the meantime by taking over the bodies of new-born babies and those of any other creatures .
8 Managers mainly comfort themselves in the knowledge that physical and financial resources for clinical work are in short supply in the NHS .
9 Breeders often release the owls too old , without giving them time to establish themselves in the release area .
10 It is probable that the economic situation in the industrial countries will deteriorate further in the longer term as some of the constraints upon growth which I discussed earlier take effect ; and there will then be a much greater likelihood of conflict among the rich nations themselves in the struggle for natural resources , markets and some kind of economic growth , while the poorer developing countries will experience increasing hardship and may reach a point of economic collapse .
11 They examined themselves in the mirror .
12 Alyssia hesitantly walked in , and almost immediately saw her friend by the cash register , looking with interest at a couple of oldish women who had put on some very garish dresses and were inspecting themselves in the mirror .
13 He had been the weaker of a hatching of two males and would almost certainly have died within a few days if local ornithologists had not taken him from the nest and reared him themselves in the hope that a home might finally be found for him as worthwhile as the Zoo …
14 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
15 It is worth noting that Allen and Overy , the London solicitors acting for the Baron , are beginning to acquire a certain reputation for themselves in the art world .
16 Many escaped to Gibraltar , joined the Allied armies and distinguished themselves in the fight against Hitler .
17 Instead of storing the values themselves in the hash table , each table entry becomes the head of a linked list .
18 They have solved something important for themselves in the turn and turn about of a twosome .
19 If mink escaped they could readily establish themselves in the wild , with serious implications for the indigenous wildlife : particularly at risk would be large colonies of ground-nesting seabirds , such as terns , puffins and black guillemots .
20 Domestic cats left to fend for themselves in the wild would still spend much of their time asleep , and conserve their energy for hunting at dawn and dusk .
21 ‘ Members of the community are themselves in the course of events engaged in a great deal of informal social control , ’ he said .
22 The second revolution was accompanied in the borderlands by violence , plundering , exactions and the establishment of a dictatorial regime … in the past , a small group of Tsarist bureaucrats oppressed them ; today , the same group of people or others who cloak themselves in the name of the Bolsheviks perpetuate in the borderlands the same regime .
23 This not only involves a mutual understanding of the common-sense notions in everyday life about what counts as an excuse , it requires that constables put themselves in the position of the offender to test whether they would have done the same .
24 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
25 But until they get any money back , the Tysons find themselves in the position of the gambler who gambled all and lost .
26 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
27 Advisers are therefore more often finding themselves in the position of having to tell the client that they can not help in any material way .
28 Tower play : The Beautiful People in Baywatch ( Saturday , UTV , 5.40pm ) find themselves in the centre of a hostage drama this week when an escaped prisoner holds Summer and Stephanie .
29 Serious effects fail to show themselves in the majority of reasonably pacific , law-abiding citizens , who , as a boy or girl , enjoyed the sense of power and childish delight of identifying with a fictional hero .
30 The men had been dead for at least a week and speculation is mounting that they had suffocated after locking themselves in the container .
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