Example sentences of "themselves the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now ecologists found themselves the veritable gurus of our age .
2 It is a long way from the post-punk Big Black noise of old that first did the rounds of Ireland , which they confirm themselves the following day when , nursing Alps-sized hangovers , the threesome spill out stories of their past as we head through New York to the photo-shoot in the Bronx .
3 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
4 Here in Indonesia , at the most fragile geographical division between the earth 's outer , congealed crust and its inner , molten magma , we also found amongst the peoples themselves the thinnest division between our more recently evolved left-brain , rational faculties , and the millennia-old storehouse of right-brain intuitive wisdom .
5 Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer .
6 Mr. Barnes ' affidavit quoted above showed beyond question , he submitted , that the Bank of England had asked themselves the right question ( paragraph 9 ) and that they did indeed require the production of the documents reasonably for the purposes of their own domestic supervision ( paragraphs 8 , 10 and 13 ) .
7 QUITE HOW it happened is open to public conjecture , but from being ‘ just another band ’ a few milliseconds back , the sumptuous , swaggering pearls of suave currently referred to as Suede today find themselves the red-hottest property on a lukewarm market .
8 These results suggest that , although very high or very low poll tax demands could affect the performance of either party , levels of community charge were not themselves the prime determinant of electoral behaviour .
9 Firstly , there was the bare fact that two London East Enders , both of whom had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing , had felt so passionately about their situation that , in different prisons and unknown to each other , they had each set themselves the daunting task of writing the equivalent of full-length books .
10 In London , a small group of clinical research nurses based in the St Peter 's group of hospitals and the Royal College of Surgeons has been meeting every two months for over a year , calling themselves the Clinical Research Nurses Association .
11 They set themselves the difficult task of disentangling this cosmic dust from the earthly sort .
12 The researchers then set themselves the unenviable task of positioning 48 aphids about 1 cm away from the leaves of both the wild and cultivated plants , making sure that the insects were pointing towards the leaves .
13 Thus far , French princes — with the notable exception of the Norman king-duke — had been wary of claiming for themselves the peace-keeping function within their lands .
14 The start of every cricket season causes cricketers of all standards and all ages to ask themselves the basic question , ‘ have I still got the old skills ?
15 Mr Morrison and his group can play their part by learning for themselves the full complexity of the problem and trying to convey it to Irish-Americans who see Irish unity as the only answer .
16 From the polytechnics themselves the constant message was what had already been achieved , and the potential — in educational , economic and other terms — for doing more if given adequate support from government and local authorities .
17 During the final rehearsals for the 1962 Berlin recording of the Ninth , Karajan discovered that for years in the Finale 's ‘ adagio ma non troppo , ma divoto ’ the Berlin violas had been annexing for themselves the top line in a passage that is richly divided .
18 Two Serb enclaves in Croatia , the Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina and the Autonomous Region of Slavonia , Baranja and Western Srem , proclaimed themselves the Serbian Republic of Krajina on Dec. 19 .
19 In the 19th Century the working classes , exasperated by their plight and the lack of initiative of their employers , formed into trades unions to give themselves the corporate strength which individuals lacked .
20 However , rather than having the guests whispering conspiratorially amongst themselves the unmentionable secret that this is a second marriage , some speakers prefer a more direct and honest approach .
21 Other executives had already asked themselves the same question .
22 I strongly recommend that we leave such arduous duties to your two companions , who will undoubtedly have asked themselves the same question . ’
23 Dulles replied that a good many countries in the world saw themselves the same way .
24 Perhaps the disco-dancers of 1986 saw themselves the same way .
25 They had been preparing for a raid themselves the next day ; a big raid ; five galleys of men , gathered in Arivegaig ready to board the ships in the dawn .
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