Example sentences of "themselves with [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Straightforward in principle , although highly complex in technical detail , the majority of today 's desk-top fax machines rarely seek to sell themselves with seductive design ( the usual Japanese route to consumer appeal ) ; they just sit there , looking like little photocopiers or big telephones , doing what they are supposed to do .
2 After the war , German universities had rebuilt themselves with much help from overseas , particularly the US , but little direction from central government .
3 They gather near her and squabble among themselves with much caterwauling .
4 ‘ They feel they can distinguish themselves with greater transparency between PS/2s , AS/400s and mainframes , with less translation and overhead .
5 They would seek to liberate themselves with European machinery and European techniques .
6 It can give them a chance — certainly often seized by widows in the past — to assert themselves with genuine dignity and authority in the public world .
7 Cabbages ( part of the Wilderness had been a vegetable patch ) armed themselves with woody bark ; rhubarb threw off weak elastic branches ; roses shed superfluous petals and muscled into the potato patch ; vegetables , weeds and shrubs increased their ranks or sizes while snowdrifts or perennial flowers transformed the land .
8 Artists and the artistic community must stop deluding themselves and from now onwards begin scrutinising the very structure of their thought , instead of contenting themselves with pointless posturing systematically contradicted by the way in which art is produced and distributed .
9 Two years later , the selected strategy and its financial implications have proved themselves with little need for modification .
10 Bakers in England content themselves with Hot Cross Buns at Easter .
11 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
12 when we do use our staff , we have the advantage that they are not restricted to a fixed location , but are mobile within districts and organise themselves with minimum supervision and are already capable of using high productivity equipment .
13 But two things have happened : schools must now be uncertain in comparing themselves with each other because the Education ( Schools ) Act 1992 has created dilemmas about the mediation of inspectors ' and advisers ' reports .
14 Nowhere else have the enormous changes which the machine industry has made in our social life registered themselves with such obviousness as in the cities .
15 On the face of it , this is similar to accommodation theory : speakers approximate their interlocutors ' linguistic behaviour , or distance themselves from it , depending on whether or not they wish to identify themselves with that individual .
16 It seemed to have the knack of attracting some of the most bizarre characters who spent a great deal of the inter-war years building up little empires for themselves with scant regard for any overall espionage policy .
17 Russians in Central Asia , imperialists in India , South-East Asia , and Africa , colonizers in Australasia , and the commercial intruders in China and Japan all expressed themselves with striking forcefulness through this one architectural type .
18 Those of geometer moths are coloured and patterned to look like twigs and when they hold themselves with one end in the air at exactly the same angle to a stem as other twigs springing from it , they are virtually impossible to detect .
19 Oil producers found themselves with large dollar surpluses which they did not wish to deposit in the USA , partly as we have seen because of the prevailing regulations but also for political reasons .
20 Instead of ‘ us and them ’ perceptions of their relationships with their employers , the manual workers would forgo hitherto strong class loyalties , and increasingly associate themselves with middle- class conformity .
21 As well as causing a breakdown in the economic system , the inflation led to a spread of corruption ; it meant humiliation for many thousands of families , whilst a few successful speculators found themselves with untold wealth .
22 The rail unions staged a series of strikes over poor pay and BR insistence on an end to collective bargaining , and were somewhat surprised to find themselves with public sympathy despite many complete network shutdowns .
23 They may have allied themselves with some enemy and been forced to leave .
24 We get lost of letters from riders who are keen to have a go at competing but would like to arm themselves with some information first .
25 Stunned by the heat , they roamed the streets of Ajaccio for several days , visiting its churches and bars and trying to equip themselves with some understanding of their new surroundings .
26 The construction of spontaneous housing settlements and the way this has induced several governments to support self-help schemes demonstrates the way squatters have taken the situation into their own hands and provided themselves with some sort of shelter .
27 By comparing the fineness of the Sutton Hoo coins themselves with this trend , it was possible to say that the basest and therefore latest coins in the purse were made in the 620s AD , thus defining the earliest probable date for the ship burial .
28 Pahl 's ‘ salaried immigrants ’ frequently ally themselves with this group on housing matters .
29 However , many difficulties immediately suggest themselves with this use of hoards .
30 As more and more people concern themselves with psychological growth , we anticipate extensions of intellectual , emotional and creative capabilities .
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