Example sentences of "themselves [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The family should be warned against condoning the patient 's anorexic behaviour , which they may do either because they feel unable to tolerate the patient 's anger or because they themselves gain vicarious gratification from the illness .
2 I put them down as a 'No' , eight per cent could n't bring themselves to support this strategy , they are 'Nos ' .
3 Moreover , they may themselves affect neonatal behaviour and interaction between the mother and her infant .
4 Whether the cats themselves make this distinction no one seems to know .
5 Speech and Drama teachers found themselves gaining unexpected support from ‘ the authority ’ .
6 This interpretation squares up with the survey 's finding that people were most likely to apply the critical comment ‘ you feel you 'd never finish paying ’ to the two types of credit which , though not in themselves necessitating long repayment schedules , tend to be associated with the larger loans which would impose long schedules on a ‘ rationed ’ consumer .
7 These statistics can be used by non-expert readers of accounts as a basis for asking questions of councils , but in themselves provide little clue as to performance .
8 The pragmatist takes a skeptical attitude toward the assumption we are assuming is embodied in the concept of law : he denies that past political decisions in themselves provide any justification for either using or withholding the state 's coercive power .
9 There remains the problem , however that long-term foster parents — and people who adopt mentally handicapped children — will themselves seek short term respite from the commitment they have made .
10 People who see that high training encourages success , as obviously it does for Nissan , will follow the designs and needs of the marketplace and will themselves introduce high training .
11 ( 1981 ) themselves place great emphasis on the S1-S2 procedure .
12 Instead of the usual stonings and demonstrations , a number of Arabs took it upon themselves to launch unprovoked knife attacks on Israeli civilians .
13 It does not include problems which may be thought of as on the fringe of sexual considerations such as unmarried motherhood , neurotic guilt about sex or non-sexual marital dissonance , although all of these may in themselves stimulate sexual difficulty .
14 ( i ) A complete phase-out of CFCs by the year 2000 ; ( ii ) a phase-out of production of halons by 2000 , with the exception of a few used for medical purposes ; ( iii ) a commitment to " responsible " use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs , developed by chemical companies as an " ozone-friendly " CFC substitute but themselves causing limited damage to the ozone layer ) , with a view to phasing them out by 2020-40 ; ( iv ) a complete phase-out of carbon tetrachloride ( a solvent used in certain paints and pharmaceuticals ) by 2000 ; and ( v ) a phase-out of methyl chloroform ( used in electronics and metalworking ) by 2005 .
15 As Saunders has convincingly demonstrated , none of sociology 's founding fathers relied on the idea that cities and city life were themselves causing social transformation .
16 And forces with an interest in subverting the sanity of this Dominion may be readying themselves to celebrate that anniversary .
17 When one speaks of the intention of the parties to the contract one is speaking objectively — the parties can not themselves give direct evidence of what their intention was .
18 Thirdly , the directive that care managers should not themselves give direct care runs counter to the core of good social work practice and creates a new corps of care administrators , thereby reducing the number of staff available to give direct care .
19 To deny that these clear and generally accepted principles apply to nuclear weapons is effectively to say that these weapons are outside international law , that nuclear weapons in themselves abolish international law .
20 Such regulations did not in themselves stop inhumane treatment , but they heralded a movement that has grown steadily on each side of the North Atlantic , both in numbers of its adherents and its influence on legislation .
21 The key question is : Can the churches open themselves to receive that vision ?
22 Like them , we shall continue to decide the nature of our dealings with regimes which come to power unconstitutionally in the light of our assessment of whether they are able of themselves to exercise effective control of the territory of the State concerned , and seem likely to continue to do so .
23 Er er that that o o order , order , it 's a very good question er but I fear not that it is up to individual members themselves to exercise some restraint and to and to u order , order , and to use the procedures of this house properly and correctly and not to abuse them .
24 It must therefore be recognised that the greatest protagonist of deregulation are largely acting out of self-interest , and that they themselves demonstrate remarkable inconsistency and reversals in their arguments — depending on which area of that self interest they may be pursuing at any particular moment .
25 To move beyond this inadequate description , Gross ( 1978 ) argued that we should analyse the social characteristics of corporate criminals first by visualizing what qualities these organizational positions demand , and second by considering whether younger corporate officials who preen themselves to fit this image are more likely to succeed in their career .
26 Outwardly , this gives them a chemical perception of ‘ taste ’ — roots seek minerals and water , while the leaves orientate themselves to derive maximum energy from the sun , ‘ stored ’ in chemical bonds .
27 They themselves raised that question and they paid the duties .
28 People will find themselves holding more money than they require : their portfolios are unnecessarily liquid .
29 This is because such households would find themselves holding more money on average to finance the same total value of transactions .
30 Assuming that the money market is in equilibrium initially , the policy will raise the supply of money above the demand for money , and wealth holders will find themselves holding more money than they desire in their portfolios .
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