Example sentences of "themselves [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But by themselves each of these explanations is partial .
2 The sixty-four drawings and nineteen bozzetti and models lead up to the sculptures themselves forty-seven in all in both first and second versions .
3 They are to be looked for in our Western indigenous psychological explanations as much as in the domains of scientific pursuit which , as Riches notes above , are not themselves free from such ontological conceptions .
4 Other naturalistic views , Marxist and some which indeed call themselves ‘ evolutionary ’ , have often proclaimed themselves free from any such picture , but it is basically very hard for them to avoid some appeal to an implicit teleology , an order in relation to which there would be an existence that would satisfy all the most basic human needs at once .
5 Over a million people found themselves dependent on supplementary benefit to eke out an inadequate existence as regards food and drink , with inflation taking its toll of what was provided .
6 Sadly , the standards of consent actually achieved on the ward often fall short of those expected by lawyers , perhaps because the task of obtaining consent is left to more junior medical staff , who are themselves ignorant of many of the potential pitfalls that might face the patient .
7 Some theorists identify a multitude of ‘ dialects ’ spoken within one legal system , while others point to changes in the process of law creation : traditional models tend to attribute this to parliament , government and the courts , whereas increasingly it involves those who are themselves subject to legal rules .
8 6.4 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause [ 6.1 a ] each Party undertakes to establish suitable procedures for ensuring that technical and other information of other Parties is restricted to those employees , or as the case may be members of staff or students , needing such information for the purposes of the duties assigned to them and that all such employees , members of staff and students are themselves subject to suitable obligations of confidence .
9 This cooled and condensed into the solar planets , which were later themselves subject to more distortion by the Sun .
10 Managers are not themselves subject to these processes , and so in order to ensure that they carry out their duties efficiently , it is contended that they should be given the incentive of performance-linked pay .
11 Practice nurses working in GPs surgeries or working for small scale employers may find themselves subject to tougher negotiation .
12 In their rejection of God , the people of Israel had tried to find help all over the place — in Egypt , in Assyria , by making themselves subject to foreign military strength .
13 By the textuality of history , I mean to suggest , firstly , that we can have no access to a full and authentic past , a lived material existence , unmediated by the surviving textual traces of the society in question — traces whose survival we can not assume to be merely contingent but must rather presume to be at least partially consequent upon complex and subtle social processes of preservation and effacement ; and secondly , that those textual traces are themselves subject to subsequent textual mediations when they are construed as the ‘ documents ’ upon which historians ground their own texts , called histories .
14 An agreement on a method for choosing between perfectionist principles can not be ruled out on the grounds that the methods of evaluating different ideals are themselves subject to evaluative controversy .
15 ‘ Put into the language of today , the general principle being there stated is simply that , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied that the courts must give effect to it , United Kingdom legislation is applicable only to British subjects or to foreigners who by coming to the United Kingdom , whether for a short or a long time , have made themselves subject to British jurisdiction .
16 Commanders resented the Central Junta 's emulation of French revolutionary assemblies with missions of representatives to the Ebro front ( August 1808 ) , its interference with promotions , and , in 1809 , its readiness to blame defeats on generals who considered themselves ill-supplied by civilian authorities .
17 If you have read your books you will discover that the Romans used to have tasters too and loved food so much they 'd make themselves sick after each course by sticking a feather down their throats .
18 The serious ill-health of the witness is a strong reason , but it needs to be clearly proved ; the courts have shown themselves suspicious of mere assertions of unfitness to travel .
19 In the harsh climate in which we live it is perhaps too much to hope that editors , no doubt feeling themselves lucky to employed at all , will rise up against their own management to resist this dictate .
20 During Mrs Thatcher 's administration , troops have found themselves involved in five industrial disputes — to operate prisons in 1980/81 , to drive ambulances in 1981 and 1982 , to cover for civil servants during a dispute at the Coulport submarine base in 1981 , and to help with car parking during the rail strike of 1982 .
21 During Mrs Thatcher 's administration , troops have found themselves involved in five industrial disputes — to operate prisons in 1980/81 , to drive ambulances in 1981 and 1982 , to cover for civil servants during a dispute at the Coulport submarine base in 1981 , and to help with car parking during the rail strike of 1982 .
22 Managers find themselves involved in new areas of expertise as our services multiply .
23 Contemporaries , even the men themselves involved in heated arguments over matters of ceremonial , were often well aware that most of these questions were trivial .
24 Yet they continuously compared their own ideas with Greek ideas , made propaganda for their own beliefs , absorbing many Greek notions and customs in the process — and ultimately found themselves involved in that general confrontation of Greek and Jewish values which we call Christianity .
25 Most managers will find themselves involved in some or all of the following .
26 By trying to combine a theocratic rule in the old Jewish style with a principality on the Hellenistic model , the Hasmoneans found themselves involved in more than ordinary difficulties and contradictions .
27 I think even Control Room where at one stage it was a , a male domain , it is not so now there 's , there 's , I would think now there 's a predominance of women there , erm purely I think again that Control Room work suits them better , they , they , they concentrate better , I think , they , they lend themselves better to that type of work and they 're more dextrous with their fingers on , on these buttons and , and typewriters and , and other things
28 CIA Marketing Director Bryan Squibb said : ‘ More than half the companies surveyed have left themselves unprotected against bad debt and reported that they were merely making bad debt provisions , taking legal action , vetting customers or using debt collection agencies .
29 One called Success After Sixty ( address on page 149 ) now considers anyone from the age of 50 because of early retirement or redundancy , or because some women on finding themselves alone at this age need to find another job .
30 Now they find themselves alone in later years and often have to rebuild their lives right from scratch .
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