Example sentences of "themselves [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 After all we were all leading aircraftsmen on the course and the officer element were acting pilot officers on probation who generally referred to themselves as the lowest form of animal life within the RAF .
2 The 460,000 Antwerpers think of themselves as the liveliest and most sociable of Belgians .
3 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
4 The picture , measured by the statistics , has not changed significantly since the Budget a month ago , but consumers who had braced themselves for the biggest cut in living standards ever imposed at a single stroke suddenly find themselves spared .
5 AS the curtain comes down on Courage League rugby for 1992 , the game 's elite are gearing themselves for the biggest dog-fight since the competition 's inception six years ago .
6 This enables a community of humans to cooperate in working together to protect themselves against the worst effects of nature , and to obtain greater security than would otherwise be possible .
7 When taking a train journey women were advised to equip themselves with the largest hat-pin they could find and if travelling by night , or through a tunnel , they were to sit bolt upright , hat-pin clenched between the teeth in case of attack .
8 They regard it as an ideal way to familiarise themselves with the latest legislative and other changes and are sometimes reluctant to delegate the task or to see it rendered unnecessary , as is the case with the microfilm system described below .
9 If Sister does n't get a move on , they could always content themselves with the shortest children 's story ever told .
10 They flittered down the stairs , Ginger Rogers a deux , and draped themselves round the nearest male , an elderly , pale faced banker — ‘ Allo , ’ they purred , ‘ 'Ow do you like sex ? ’
11 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
12 They can advertise themselves in the truest and most direct way possible : the experience of friends , colleagues or neighbours who make up the union .
13 With these qualities they well be fully prepared for the big trial , but they must also know themselves in the deepest sense — ‘ to be in touch ’ , as Scott frequently mentions , ‘ with that critical inner voice . ’
14 It was crowded too with holiday-makers on package tours , all eager to fling themselves on the nearest beach and sweat their way into a tan .
15 In theory , the EMS is a means by which the currencies of the EC are maintained at a stable exchange rate with one another ; in practice , it means all the weaker currencies aligning themselves to the strongest , the Deutsche Mark .
16 Willis is at pains to point out , however , that this breaking of rules not only relies on having the rules there to break but ensures that ‘ the lads ’ condemn themselves to the worst jobs once they have left school .
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