Example sentences of "themselves [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It appears to me that the whole question is governed by the broad , general , universal principle that English legislation , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied as to make it the duty of an English court to give effect to an English statute , is applicable only to English subjects or to foreigners who by coming into this country , whether for a long or a short time , have made themselves during that time subject to English jurisdiction .
2 More than three times as many men as women killed themselves during that time , the Minister for Health , Brendan Howlin , disclosed .
3 But it should be added that at the press preview , I seemed to be only one of several spectators who chose to devote themselves during these scenes to a meticulous scrutiny of their shoes .
4 Others prepare themselves through pre-retirement planning to find ways of giving continuing service to the community .
5 There are plenty of good coaches about just as there are a multitude of nice misguided types who seek to portray themselves through other people over and over again .
6 Feelings that have been firmly repressed , near the surface yet still not sufficiently available to be formed into words , can express themselves through bodily symptoms ; if these feelings relate to permeability , they may well be expressed on the skin - rashes , blotches , spots and boils — and become boundary symptoms .
7 At the end of the day purchasers must satisfy themselves through legal advisers or surveyors , or both , that they are not buying a pig in a poke .
8 The characters and their conjugal disjunction have indeed been generated out of a play of pronouns , out of ‘ words on a page ’ , for it is due to the lack they experience in each other that they are not able to constitute themselves through each other as subjects .
9 Up to one-third of people can not force themselves through this procedure , even for the best of diagnostic reasons , and the court would never enforce a complete stay of the action in these circumstances ( see further RSC Order 25 , r 6 ) .
10 Last night heartbroken Sandy , who lived with Brian at Didsbury , Manchester , said : ‘ Everyone who knew him has lost a part of themselves through this tragedy .
11 This ranged from the reproducibility of the film which is now telescoped through television and video ; to the opera or concert through the increased availability of gramophone recordings from the 1920s ; and to the reproduction of paintings themselves through photographic means in books , magazines , and television .
12 This need not be of great concern to management , however , given the capacity of most companies to finance themselves through retained earnings .
13 Today , Upper-Intermediate and Advanced have also established themselves as modern classroom classics .
14 They advertise for people to present themselves as possible magistrates .
15 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
16 Ironically , by absorbing huge new areas of strong Polish identity in the years 1793–1807 , the Prussians probably helped extend the idea of a Polish identity to Poles who up to then had simply thought of themselves as Polish-speaking Prussians .
17 He was a Georgian by birth ; did he , then , share the fierce nationalistic pride of his fellow-countrymen , or had his orphanage moulded him into one of the bland , rootless vegetables who regarded themselves as Soviet citizens ?
18 Most skinheads see themselves as straightforward blokes and birds , more honest than the soul boys , more working class than the punks and the posers , rougher and tougher than the mods .
19 He became particularly interested in how they managed to combine this well-organized and criminal activity with an image of themselves as law-abiding citizens .
20 The word ‘ theory ’ has always aroused suspicion amongst the English , who see themselves as practical people and sound empiricists .
21 The fact that in 1992 only 37 per cent of voters think of themselves as Labour supporters but that on Thursday only 35 per cent actually voted Labour indicates that the party was scarcely able to poll its ‘ core ’ strength .
22 Radical change by Government edict was not thought to be appropriate in England , where teachers had for long seen themselves as equal partners in the process of educational development and change .
23 We 've argued that that would stimulate migration as opposed simply to accommodate past trends , so we 've argued that , but the the problem for West Yorkshire well for Leeds in particular is that the brown field sites we have , the regeneration that we need is not of sites which would readily accommodate housing , they 're not sites which lend themselves as nice places to live .
24 When Ken was in a bad mood or turned on people who regarded themselves as close friends , it was mostly a reaction to the way he saw himself — a failure to be what he wanted to be most .
25 And besides , Women 's Word had worked very hard to establish themselves as serious publishers .
26 But the Mahomeds have established themselves as solid citizens .
27 Previously these have not been felt by the mother but now they manifest themselves as mild pain or discomfort .
28 The leading ‘ rank-and-file ’ activists of the 1960s and 1970s generally regarded themselves as anti-Stalinist leftists .
29 A law which came into force on March 1 required all yakuza groups to register themselves with the local authorities as criminal organizations , so that they could be better supervised ; in practice , most were reported to have re-formed themselves as limited companies instead .
30 Our appeal to our traditional supporters was not enough to outweigh our lack of success with those growing numbers who no longer count themselves as working class .
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