Example sentences of "known [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 TVS , best known for the Ruth Rendell mysteries , is closing down in December .
2 Catastrophic summer floods caused by thawing farther south may raise the discharge to the level of the maximum known for the Congo .
3 In the revival he 's acting alongside a previous Charley 's Aunt Patrick Cargill , the veteran actor best known for the ITV comedy series Father Dear Father .
4 Epic have been fabulous ; they 're much better known for the Michael Jacksons and George Michaels of this world , but they 've been really helpful to me … ’
5 The group , known for the St Ivel brand , spent £152m in the 18 months to May and raised £73m from disposals , figures show today .
6 I then went down to Athens , to the National Museum , and was very impressed by the great display of Cycladic material there , and also by how little was known about the Cyclades if one looked at the literature of the time .
7 Before it arrived at the Bate Collection , all that was known about the William Smith harpsichord ( illus.1 ) was to be found in a brief summary in Boalch 's Makers of the harpsichord and clavichord .
8 Less Is known about the Morrison & Gibb case , but again it appears that the women indicated their solidarity with the men .
9 By 1982 one of them is seriously ill in hospital with pneumonia ; by 1983 much more is known about the HIV virus ; by 1985 another of the men is clearly dying .
10 Working against time , David Whitaker is believed to have put together the first of his two fifty page scripts in one afternoon taking the opportunity to introduce viewers further to the characters of the Doctor , Ian , Barbara and Susan , and to make more known about the TARDIS space/time ship .
11 The depth of these deposits varies from less than 10 m to more than 200 m and the major drainage system is that of the Huanghe River , which is also known as the Yellow River since it carries a huge volume of yellow silt from the Loess plateau into the Yellow Sea .
12 The Atlantic coast of Belle-Ile is known as the Cote Sauvage , and in most places is sufficiently savage to deter any invader .
13 Wisteria frutescens , a climbing shrub known as the Carolina kidney bean tree and Ascryum hypericoides , St Peterswort , were both depicted , also Myrica cerifera , fully described in Catesby 's book , and Fraxinus caroliniana , seeds of which Miller had received from him in 1724 .
14 The product will be known as the DEC CIT API for NEC/OAI .
15 This committee — commonly known as the Radcliffe Committee after its chairman — produced a report in August 1959 .
16 This road , known as the Coal Road because it was used for the transport of coal from long-abandoned pits , discloses an aerial view of the hidden valley of Grisedale across the gulf of Garsdale .
17 The Prince was more than keen to help ; as a result of that approach he convened a meeting , known as the Windsor Conference , which is still widely regarded as one of the most significant advances ever made in race relations .
18 The remaining Elves of Nagarythe , which has become known as the Shadowlands , take up a wandering , nomadic life shunning the trappings of civilisation .
19 Known as the Boyd-Carpenter scheme , employees made graduated contributions towards a graduated pension .
20 The 1917 announcement and the reforms of 1919 known as the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms ( Chelmsford being the viceroy ) , which introduced the principle of ministerial responsibility into provincial government , were seen as means to this end .
21 A seismic boundary , known as the Conrad discontinuity , underlies some continental regions at a depth of between 10 and 30km and this divides the continental crust into upper and lower layers .
22 Through the Double Cross Committee , usually known as the XX Committee , these turned spies sent back to Germany a steady stream of fictitious information garnished with sufficient truth to give it credibility , which the Germans apparently accepted without question .
23 The Grand Finale event was a horse race which was an open event known as the Halling Derby and won by Pretty Polly , a horse from Gillingham .
24 Since the modernisation was carried out , the hotel is now known as the Forte Crest St James .
25 He would n't , anyway , be known as the Wimbledon Strangler , but as Henry Farr , cold-blooded psychopath .
26 ‘ It was when the friend of the family , Donald Templeton , the trusted and valued doctor who attended both Farr and his wife , came to call that the plans of the man who came to be known as the Wimbledon poisoner came badly unstuck .
27 This attitude also led him to express his distaste for the American-sponsored discussions on world trade , known as the Kennedy Round , that were currently being conducted within GATT : again , he suspected that they would produce a heightened American influence in Europe , something that would not be in Western Europe 's or France 's interests .
28 Thallium poisoning created a set of symptoms exactly matching a series found in a type of polyneuritis known as the Guillain-Barré syndrome .
29 In August 1944 , having enlisted Chinese support , Ho crossed the border into north Vietnam to make contact once again with the Vietminh forces who , by this time , and in the absence of any other administrative control or military power , were extending their influence in the mountains of northern Tonkin in the area known as the Viet Bac Revolutionary armed forces were supposed to be growing and there was apparently enough revolutionary enthusiasm to support the idea of launching another insurrection from there within a couple of months .
30 As a front to the core organisation a League for the Independence of Vietnam was formed : Viet-Nam Doc-Lap Dong-Minh , usually known as the Viet Minh .
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