Example sentences of "known [prep] some time " in BNC.

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1 John Rolfe , conference chairman , said : ‘ People within the industry have known for some time there is a need for such a gathering .
2 He had known for some time that it was inevitable .
3 Rhoda he had also known for some time .
4 It had been known for some time that relations between Stephenson and Villa were strained because of the player 's insistence on living in his home-town of Newcastle , and several clubs , keen to secure him , were watching the situation closely .
5 The French high command must also have known for some time , but hushed it up no doubt . ’
6 The latter phenomenon has been known for some time , Zwaardemaker recording several ‘ cancelling pairs ’ as far back as 1875 , which included :
7 The mistake was made even more stupid by the fact that he had known for some time the big tides were due .
8 The powerful hydrogen bonding capacity of fluoride , discussed by John Emsley , has been known for some time , but its potential for interfering with the vitally important hydrogen bonds between biomolecules has only recently begun to receive attention .
9 Scientists have known for some time that fusion reactions between nuclei of deuterium and tritium are more likely if the nuclear spins line up in the same direction .
10 I am delighted to have heard anything worthwhile by Schillings , whose music I have known for some time in piano-vocal scores but have not encountered in performance .
11 The Major , a close confidant of the Princess , added : ‘ We have known for some time that some very senior members of the IOC have the knives out for our sport .
12 People have known for some time what has been going on , and I 'm surprised it has taken this long to come out into the open .
13 We have known for some time that this can not have been the case .
14 It has been known for some time that eyes give out bioelectric signals — the retina has a positive charge , the cornea is negative .
15 Segmentation is not an innovation in woodturning , and has been known for some time .
16 It has been known for some time that the majority of fibres from the left and right eyes converge upon single cells in the visual cortex of the cat and monkey ( Hubel and Wiesel , 1967 ) .
17 Though tragically killed in a recent motorbike accident , Madra was an undisputed maestro of the art , as well as an easy and informative friend whom I had known for some time , so it was a shock to witness the epic genius which came through him , and the transformation which both he and his audience underwent in that open village square the first time I saw him perform .
18 And it was n't Iris who told us , though she had known for some time that it had come through the Strait shortly after the Belgrano had been sunk .
19 These letters have been known for some time , as the aggrieved Leone published them in a pamphlet in 1764 .
20 Although the link between social deprivation and road accident casualty rates has been known for some time , the scale of the problem has not been assessed either nationally or locally .
21 ‘ Yes , I 've known for some time that if you want a bit of peace you only have to bore people enough and they 'll leave you to it . ’
22 ‘ She said she had known for some time that she and Fabien could not remain at La Tour Monchauzet after their marriage — that they had been talking together about moving away — of going , perhaps , as far as Australia or California and starting a totally new life .
23 Is not the Minister aware that it has been known for some time that four times as many women as men suffer the chronic pain that comes from the loss of movement in and the fracture of hip joints ?
24 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
25 As members will be aware , the Local Government Regions and Districts have been known for some time , and the areas of the Sheriffdoms were published at the beginning of the year .
26 As the official investigation got under way , there were allegations that senior US officials had known for some time of BNL 's dealings with Iraq .
27 It has been known for some time that the inactive form of ALDH2 is present in about 50% of Japanese and Chinese and is associated with high acetaldehyde concentrations , an exaggerated flush response to alcohol , and seems to protect against alcoholism .
28 The squinch had been known for some time and was used in Persia , Turkestan , Armenia and Asia Minor .
29 It has been known for some time that versatile plastics could be made from vegetable matter but production costs have been prohibitive .
30 The move has been criticized by environmental organizations , which argue that the cars could be fitted with a converter because the cost , around £300 per car , is not prohibitive and that in any case manufacturers have known for some time when the law would come into effect .
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