Example sentences of "sure [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This past month we 've suffered eleven raids , and still no man can say for sure who the reivers are .
2 ‘ I 'm not even quite sure who the hell we are working for . ’
3 Say she was sure who the father was ; and working in a racing stable with thoroughbreds she would know that proving paternity was increasingly an exact science .
4 No spending department can be sure what the figures in the White Paper will mean for its capacity to pay school teachers or run hospitals .
5 Indeed , I am not sure what the correlation would be between formal attainments and the right qualities needed to take a degree in poetry .
6 Yeah , you could say what it looked like and what was happening and then say , Well I 'm not quite sure what the convention is for writing them
7 It would depend on the benefits you get that come with affiliation , and I 'm not sure what the benefits are .
8 I 'm not sure what the benefits are .
9 Puzzled , the young man stopped , not sure what the girl meant , but a vague uneasiness settled into the pit of his stomach .
10 Right , then I know steer the boat , I 'm not quite sure what the daggerboards are for .
11 Erika was still not completely sure what the text meant but one thing about it was clear , people had better things to do than to dwell on the past and surely — it came upon Erika in a flash of intuition — surely the State was doing just that : not , of course , leaving the dead unmourned , and certainly not forgetting the evils of Fascism , but moving forward — preaching a socialist gospel — and not merely preaching it , doing it : making a fairer , better , juster Germany .
12 One of the researchers involved , David Sugden , cautioned however that global warming will make sea-levels expand regardless of any added volume caused by melting ice , and he added that " we would have to look at all the ice sheets in the world , not just two , before we could be sure what the effects would be " .
13 They 've been given er labels of T L and N where the T er colloquially stands for tiny , L stands for large in terms of the single channel condu respective single channel conductances and er I 'm not sure what the origin of N is .
14 ‘ I 've never been quite sure what the attraction is except that the job is n't boring and it gives me a private life . ’
15 ‘ What proclivities ? ’ said Robert , who was not entirely sure what the word meant .
16 Now I think er it 's clear what 's going on here , there 's er weaving going on , I 'm not quite sure what the material is er but there 's certainly a loom with some kind of er , weaving being demonstrated .
17 ‘ I 'm not sure what the answer is to that , ’ Harry answered truthfully .
18 We did if I can give some background we did actually target er twelve thousand , five hundred mailer shots for this meeting this evening I 'm not sure what the people here are representing percentage for that and we also targeted over about a hundred organisations with mailing shots telling people the meetings on this evening .
19 The industry is not quite sure what the strategy of the two generating companies is , but a number of observers are convinced that they area fighting for market share with scant regard for cost criteria .
20 Er but of course I I must say something about section eleven funding , this whole section under funding , er is er featured in , in , in this section and er , er I 'm not too sure what the Tories are playing at er , unlike Bob I am not going to condemn them out of hand now , being a Democrat I want you to hear what they have to say and then we 'll roast them this afternoon
21 I 'm not sure about the er I 'm not sure what the issues are regarding Aberdeen Aberdeen
22 He remembers sitting on a hard seat , among a hundred other candidates in a large , impressively ancient room , scribbling a General Essay paper for three hours on EITHER Political Necessity OR ‘ Enrichissez-vous ! ’ not at all sure what the examiners would be looking for in the answers — their ideas or his ideas , or the former subtly disguised as the latter , or the latter masquerading as the former .
23 This is what we look at in terms of er target of erm the er wallets we 're going to print and that is determined , not quite sure what the measurement is for estate agent it 's something to er to do combination of the number of peop er number of mailings they 've done in the last er twelve months and also the number of houses they have on their their books .
24 Well that makes sense but we ca n't be sure what the interest rate would be .
25 I 'm not sure what the difference is .
26 I am not sure what the presents will be — I am not sure I can find anything suitable .
27 ‘ I am planning for next season , even though I am not sure what the future holds .
28 It yes , certainly at the moment we 're not quite sure what the future will bring and we 're waiting until after Easter before we make our final decisions and announcements .
29 I was n't sure what the situation was .
30 I was n't sure what the situation was
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