Example sentences of "began [to-vb] in a " in BNC.

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1 For a long moment their eyes remained locked in a fierce battle , until Ace 's image began to shimmer in a sort of haze in front of her , then , quite without warning , Kate passed out ; a great wave of blackness overwhelmed her , pushing all hurt and troubled feelings aside .
2 The Butcher grunted and began to rummage in a metal box .
3 Several of Sisley 's early paintings dating from the second half of the 1860s were accepted for display in the official Salon , but during the 1870s he began to paint in a fully fledged Impressionist style characterized by pure colours applied with broken brush strokes and bright light .
4 ‘ What am I ? ’ she asked looking at Tumbleweed , and then began to recite in a sing-song voice , ‘ with a stick in me hand and a stone in me throat , I walk through the land in me shiny , red coat . ’
5 She began to chant in a low , eerie voice , words in a language foreign to Lucien .
6 But he began to chant in a sombre , sing-song voice .
7 They began to engage in a ritual practice of the Caucasian gypsies .
8 Myles began to talk in a slow calm voice .
9 Soon after we got into the coach , he began to talk in a strange rambling manner .
10 She smiled up at him valiantly , the smile fading as his eyes began to darken in a way she recognised .
11 For two days he helped her and took stance at night near by , pleased to hear her breathing gradually ease and improve , and watching as she began to sleep in a less troubled way .
12 Pietro Miletti picked up the paper again and began to read in a calm , confident voice , a voice that was accustomed to being obeyed , that never needed to make a fuss .
13 ‘ Nobody knows the trouble I 've seen , ’ Jack began to sing in a strained bass , as though completing the roll call , ‘ nobody knows but Jesus … ’
14 They finished a rendering of a Burns song and then the flautist put down his flute and began to sing in a fine baritone voice .
15 He glared at me , quite beside himself with rage , and the whole scene seemed so absurd and nothing to do with anything that had really happened , that I began to laugh in a wild , helpless way , snorting through my nose .
16 There was still the nag of his eye , like a dulled toothache ; but he began to think in a whole new light .
17 The liquid phase ( lemonade ) began to empty in a rapid exponential fashion immediately after ingestion .
18 After a time he began to whisper in a voice that tried now to be soft and gentle , in complete contrast to his alarm calls : ‘ Come on , Minch , you ca n't really be so ill that you ca n't show me your face just for a moment , or let me hear the ruffle of one of your wings .
19 I began to prepare in a small way to enjoy the Christmas in Bedford .
20 She pushed the microphone aside , and began to speak in a firm voice , used to public speaking , hands leaning forward on the table , one occasionally raised to emphasise a point .
21 As she and one other laid their hands on me , I leant on their faith , and I began to speak in a new language words of praise to God .
22 He began to speak in a man to man voice .
23 Then she put her cup down and began to speak in a soft , sad , dreaming voice that seemed to weave a spell of silence in the room .
24 Melissa had barely turned the key in the ignition when she began to speak in a brittle , staccato voice .
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