Example sentences of "began [to-vb] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It drifted and swirled about him , making him peaceful and tired , until his sense of loss began to go and the night was no longer awesome , for he had the protection of a Callanish eagle near him , and that gave him peace to rest and sleep at last …
2 As the pace began to quicken and the complicated threads of the chant began to rise Rincewind found himself watching fascinated .
3 However , as the project came to a close the total budget provided in the grant for support workers began to dwindle and the development officers were instructed to make careful calculations of their expenditure in order not to exceed the total available .
4 Managers came and went at an alarming rate ; there was Board Room take-over ; gates began to dwindle and the Palace were candidates for relegation from well before Christmas .
5 When the sun began to sink and the evening grew cold , they stripped their clothes from the thorn trees , collected together their pans and bamboo brooms and set out across the bridge for home .
6 Warm rain began to fall and the land came to life .
7 From this joke the seed began to germinate and the whole idea of Norseman Park was formed with CF–DRD as the centre-piece of the whole complex .
8 As the piece of soap in the bathroom began to diminish or a toilet roll grow thin , so the replacement would be moved from the Base Depot to the Command Depot — a cupboard upstairs .
9 The next moment , the railway lines began to shake and a train came screaming out of the tunnel .
10 Jess began to shake and the sobs she 'd encouraged broke out with fresh vigour and real conviction .
11 The lines began to shake and the two flags that were pushed into the heaps of stones soon fell over , but Bobbie ran across and picked up one of them .
12 Eastwood/Thorogood were 5th in their heat as the crosswind began to increase and the K4 of Block/Burgess/Burns/Parsons were 3rd with only 2 going through .
13 As she trudged awkwardly up the valley road her feet began to sweat and the toes rubbed painfully against each other .
14 Stiff westerly winds made forward passage difficult , and the little boats had to tack this way and that within the narrow confines of the Strait 's exit , before the funnel began to widen and the open sea to present itself Magellan , now perfectly confident of his discovery , named the waters Estrecho do Todos los Santos — All Saints ' Strait .
15 Gradually contact with street prostitutes began to grow and a relationship of trust began to be established .
16 As the Oaks moved again , the wounds yawned and slowly , slowly , inch by terrible inch , they gaped wider and skin began to tear and the muscle and bone began to part with a sound that made Floy and Snodgrass both feel sick .
17 She had waited at the beech tree until the sky began to darken and the sudden , distant roar of aircraft engines told her that soon the bombers would be flying again .
18 Here , Mrs Pettifer began to interject but the small gentleman silenced her with a flap of the wrist which was altogether not very gentlemanly and proved too much for the great lady detective who made a more purposeful interjection of her own .
19 There was frost on his hair , on the fur of his hood , but soon , as he hacked at the tree , his skin began to glow and a fine , warm moisture gleamed on his face .
20 Towards the end of the century pornographic magazines , which extensively used the sexual content of cases with accompanying obscene prints , began to emerge and the number of these kinds of magazines increased appreciably after 1800 .
21 Soon the traffic began to thin and the road became a long straight fenland route with occasional trees and sporadic bungalows slipping into the dykes .
22 And when the economy began to collapse and the political optimism of the 1960s and early 1970s began to tarnish , it was women who saw our jobs , our wages , our support services and our educational opportunities become the first and most serious casualties of the new depression .
23 ‘ the jaws of the deceased criminal began to quiver and the adjoining muscles were horribly contorted and one eye actually opened …
24 The crowd began to disperse but the dancing continued — do you call that dancing Neil ?
25 After a time Milhaez began to sing and the boat seemed to be carried upriver on his voice .
26 At a certain point in the ceremony the rhythm of the weeping began to change and the tears were replaced by laughter and sometimes a kind of ecstatic , even erotic frenzy .
27 Mrs Browning began to laugh but the laugh brought on a coughing fit and , when Wilson rushed to her aid and raised her higher on the pillow , her face took on an ugly blue tinge , which she had never seen before .
28 The slope down to Rock Creek began to steepen and the shops thinned out as they moved away from the centre .
29 By 1919 the number of soldiers began to decrease and the numbers of unemployed to increase .
30 As time passed and urban politics , at least , became more open and genuinely representative , the old , artificial party system began to crumble and the Liberal Monarchy itself to appear insecure .
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