Example sentences of "began [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gusev likened himself to an industrious spider , sitting at the heart of a complicated web , pulling a thread here , tightening one there , until finally he began to see a pattern .
2 I began to see a pattern to these puzzling events , a distinct and disturbing trend .
3 As its influence expanded , it began to promote a model of evolution that took far greater account of geographical factors .
4 He did n't begin playing , though , until he began pursuing a bachelors and masters degree in civil engineering at the Universities of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick in Canada .
5 Shocked is making plans to sail with her father , who long ago began building a boat , until marriage and fatherhood distracted him from finishing it .
6 Soon he began manufacturing a range of agricultural and dairy equipment , much of which was exported .
7 The Ministry of propaganda did what it could to play down such disasters and tried for as long as possible to preserve the illusion that they were not important , but Fascism now began to lose a lot of its popular support .
8 He unrolled the parchment , scrubbed it with the pumice-stone and gently blew the fragments away , dipped his quill into the unclasped inkhorn and began to draft a letter to Burnell .
9 Then the priestess — for that is what she was — began to weave a web while talking about her reasons for being at Greenham .
10 He watched with the direst of misgivings as Cleo began slapping a path for herself through the wilderness ahead .
11 They descended a flight of steps , entered a classroom block by a side-door and began to thread a route through corridors and passages busy with bustling knots of purple-blazered schoolboys .
12 I began to carry a gun and a knife with me everywhere I went .
13 Then the Mayor of Fulham thought people should be cheered up , and began to plan a party .
14 Five years ago he began seeing a psychotherapist , but stopped after two and a half years of treatment .
15 He began seeing a Hollywood writer , Florrie Christmas , whom he took to Jamaica , where he drank himself into a stupor daily .
16 Within twenty minutes a car drove up to the family majlis and began to unload a meal for us all .
17 Hitherto such bodies had been under the sway of the main committee chairman , but now they began to acquire a life of their own .
18 The government , which had long spent a disproportionate amount on higher and secondary as opposed to primary education , began to implement a programme to establish universal primary education .
19 As the programmes developed , some teams began to include a range of options to meet different needs and preferences .
20 In the case in which the defect in the law was first exposed , Marsh v. Arscot the defendant who was drunk began using a stream of abusive language directed at the policemen who were investigating his suspicious presence in a car park .
21 I only began to smell a rat when he could n't come up with the documents he claimed to have .
22 In 1983 we began to provide a course for students with severe learning difficulties .
23 Hobhouse began keeping a diary during his round-the-world honeymoon in 1893 and continued to do so for five years .
24 One leader took between fifteen and twenty people , hired a hall , broke the link with the Cobham Fellowship and began to establish a church which has grown to some sixty members .
25 He began to establish a reputation in the late 40s through radio performances , and soon came to the attention of Sam Phillips , with releases on the Chess and Sun labels , playing as a one-man band .
26 Approved by the government were members of the Orthodox clergy who began to establish a parish and diocesan network in Siberia early in the seventeenth century .
27 He began to recite a litany of his own successes to himself as he passed down the quiet , thickly carpeted corridors to the executive lift that went up to the eighteenth floor : a new apartment in the smart suburb of Beauséjour ; a smaller apartment in Montparnasse , with a most accommodating young mistress ; two cars , one the largest and latest registration Citroën Familiale ; a generous expense account , which was not queried too closely — he hoped was not queried too closely .
28 Then he began to recite a litany of the individual bones and of the past Commanders who had held this fortress-monastery for the Emperor .
29 For six months he was a sub-editor , but then began to write a column for the paper called ‘ By the Way ’ .
30 Jannie sat down at one corner of the great kitchen table and began to write a shopping list .
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