Example sentences of "likely to make [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Paradoxically , the highly–skilled performer , because he or she depends on finely tuned allocation of his or her attention to avoid having to think carefully about every minor detail may be likely to make a slip .
2 Spilling the knots from one 's entrails out onto paper is n't likely to make a poem or story that others will want to read , but many writers do have to go through the ‘ spilling ’ process in order to know just what it is they have to hammer into shape .
3 In this way , it is often possible for organisations to get a clearer idea as to which potential expatriate couples are likely to make a success of their assignments overseas .
4 You are likely to make a success of meetings by recognising when others are using tactics such as these .
5 The company is not likely to make a profit either in the second half of this year or next year .
6 But the selectors are more likely to make a change in the middle order and even that seems doubtful after David Gower , the number one candidate , was ruled out of Hampshire 's current championship game against Kent with a cracked rib .
7 For what other goods is Mrs Smith likely to make a trip to a large city centre ?
8 In 1990 69% of farmers had made a purchase within seven months of their visit to the Royal , 81% were likely to make a purchase within 19 months of their visit .
9 ’ But why is it the only time you take risks is when you 're likely to make a profit. ? ’
10 You are likely to make a mess of it , lose your To Do list or confront people in an attacking rather than a rational way .
11 One of the reasons for following a routine like this is so that you are less likely to make a mistake .
12 If you understand WHY you have to do certain things , you 're less likely to make a mistake .
13 Nowadays we 're more likely to make a wish .
14 Observers such as IDC 's David Smith believe that of the big three HP is the most likely to make a move because unity plays to HP 's hand , something he says is not the case with either IBM or Digital .
15 The essence of it is that information is material if it is likely to make a difference in user evaluations of financial statements .
16 At the beginning of a career , any band 's tours are likely to make a loss .
17 It is also quite common for a therapist to provide information in order to correct misinformed beliefs ( e.g. a patient was allowing an early , unwanted pregnancy to proceed because she thought that abortion was likely to make a woman sterile ) .
18 Smaller minority parties which might come into play include the Welsh and Scottish nationalists — the latter most likely to make a deal with Labour , based on a common ground on economic and social policy .
19 One important study , the Oxford Study suggests , however , that people from the higher socio-economic groups are less likely to make a claim for damages consequent upon personal injury being suffered .
20 Bentley customers are younger but no less affluent than typical Rolls-Royce buyers ; they must presumably be looked upon as good investments because they are more likely to make a repeat purchase than their Rolls-Royce counterparts .
21 The addition of Macintosh applications is also likely to make the IBM 's RISC System/6000 a likely upgrade path for Macintosh users looking for more powerful servers than Apple can offer .
22 Durrant , returning to the international scene after serious injury nearly wrecked his career , is likely to make the subs ' bench on Wednesday .
23 Do n't get " tough " with a buyer and refuse to answer reasonable enquiries ; you are only likely to make the buyer get " tough " with you , and your unreasonable reticence will delay the matter unnecessarily .
24 The consequent local backlash , combined with tighter control of hooliganism generally , seems likely to make the fans much more cautious in the future about gathering together , and it should be possible , therefore , to study the results , unintended as well as intended , of tighter policing .
25 Initially , the isolation is likely to make the horse overtly anxious ; but as time passes , its restlessness is likely to give way to depression .
26 They are more likely to make the effort if the subject is interesting and they are alert than when they are tired , hungry or bored .
27 A hit is likely to make the creature even more determined to fight on .
28 It was in the Fifties , however , that Gerard P. Kuiper said turbulence in various parts of the cloud was likely to make the cloud sufficiently dense to flatten it out into a disc-shaped mass , with a large mass at the centre orbited by smaller ones .
29 But this kind of retrofitting can cost up to half the value of a building , and owners are not likely to make the investment .
30 They were new colonies which were produced by the existing colonies , even if in no friendly spirit , and the possibility that colonies could produce new colonies was likely to make the task of the government in London even harder if it ever tried to impose a unified colonial policy .
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