Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Congress is likely to reintroduce this bill soon .
2 It seems that Dr Chris Peel , who has succeeded Peter Forsythe , is likely to continue this tradition to the benefit of aviation generally .
3 The BSO is not likely to support this function very successfully because it is a relatively broad and unspecific classification scheme , with only sufficient specification for the classification of organizations concerned with the control of information ( for example , libraries , clearing houses , abstracting and indexing agencies ) and not to support the indexing of , say , individual periodical articles .
4 It will also be necessary to consider the extent to which the evidence involves technical data and the extent to which any particular parent is likely to find this kind of information helpful .
5 All in all , though , this is still likely to be the sharpest comment on the venality and duplicity of the American political process you are likely to find this side of November ‘ 92 .
6 And the barrage of complaints is likely to increase this year .
7 Where the article is a unique or one-off product such as the commissioning of a portrait from an artist , the court is likely to construe this arrangement as a contract of work and materials notwithstanding the incidental supply of the canvas ( Robinson v Graves [ 1935 ] 1 KB 579 ; compare Issacs v Hardy ( 1884 ) Cab & EL 287 ) .
8 The Brady bill , too , is likely to pass this year .
9 Although developers will in future be able to go to X/Open Co Ltd for Motif specifications without having to pay a royalty to the Software Foundation , few , given the associated development costs and resources , are likely to choose this option — most , the Software Foundation hopes , will pick up its COSEied-up implementation of Motif .
10 Although developers will in future be able to go to X/Open for Motif specifications without having to pay a royalty to OSF , few , given the associated development costs and resources , are likely to choose this option .
11 A proposal that public money should be spent on a measure which is likely to aggravate this position ( the low birth rate ) by making contraception universally available on request and thereby to affect adversely the continuity of the state , is one which we feel we can not endorse .
12 A possible change , still to be approved by the Committee and the AGM , is that Vic Smith and I are likely to do this job jointly in future .
13 Deaf people are much more likely to use this device in their recall , at least in the surface structure .
14 The cabinet 's current review of the tax now looks likely to heed this advice and go for the quick chop .
15 We shall see , for instance , that it is the modes of ‘ exercise ’ and ‘ performance ’ that are more likely to give this protection than ‘ dramatic playing ’ , unless , as we shall see , the dramatic playing is projected .
16 What shows that this was generally an unthinking answer , uninformed by any real understanding of interest rates , is that people were just as likely to give this answer whether they thought it would be a percentage of the amount they borrowed , a percentage per year , or even a percentage per month .
17 This is merely likely to reinforce this response to travelling Instead , stop the car at a suitable spot and walk away out of sight for a few minutes .
18 The incorporation of microelectronics in products and manufacturing processes is likely to accelerate this trend .
19 Anyone who has had access to classified work produced by the scientific civil service is likely to endorse this view .
20 But the courts are likely to consider this route inappropriate to family proceedings , said Levy .
21 A group like Waterstones would be less likely to welcome this approach : ‘ It would n't do at Waterstones because their buyers like to do their own checking .
22 Vannotti forecast turnover in the company 's most important — home — market , Switzerland , was likely to decline this year , but this should be compensated by expansion of Ascom 's international business .
23 This would amount ( as the case law of the European Court makes clear ) to disguised discrimination , since the sales managers of companies incorporated in other member states would not be likely to have this qualification unless they had been recruited locally .
24 The only rat poison likely to have this effect is zinc phosphide .
25 Many of the resources available for RE are likely to have this effect .
26 The more common it is , the more people will know of others who have been divorced and they are correspondingly less likely to condemn this action .
27 Where boys are most likely to drop this stance is when a whole group is having a go at a particular character , as this group is with Dot Cotton :
28 Several factors are likely to influence this decision , including , of course , the likely long-term results of the Howie Committee 's inquiry into secondary school education .
29 The only rest he is likely to get this weekend is at Camp David .
30 To say I forcibly removed him in a headlock because he was ‘ In five short minutes , playing himself back into the job of Athletico manager ’ , is not only true but also likely to get this fanzine banned within a fifteen-mile radius of ‘ The Tip ’ .
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