Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays she is more likely to drive to a favourite beach on the south coast so that she can enjoy the wind in her hair and the tang of the sea breeze on her face .
2 Erm which of these outfits are you most likely to wear on a trip to the , the local shops ?
3 Experiments have shown that males which perform the zigzag display at a higher rate ( more swims back and forth per minute ) are more likely to be successful at courtship : a female is more likely to mate with a male whose zigzagging is more energetic .
4 Reporting a rape remains a strenuous and harrowing experience , however , and it is likely to continue as an underreported offence .
5 A school with a long tradition of extra curricular activities is likely to continue with an extensive provision even if the activities alter to reflect the expertise of the adults involved .
6 TALKS between British Airways and Virgin Atlantic aimed at settling the so-called dirty tricks affair last night looked likely to continue into a fourth day .
7 It also seems that applications to the tribunal selected for a pre-hearing assessment are more likely to proceed to a hearing than other cases , while at the same time the success rate for those who proceed in the face of an ‘ unlikely to succeed ’ warning is not very different from other cases ( DoE , 1988 ) .
8 As I noted above , mortgage affordability is likely to fall to a 20-year low this year and while entry costs into the housing market have risen since the boom , they remain low in historical terms .
9 Looking ahead , over the next decade gas demand is likely to fall as a result of supply shortfall , despite the current supply surplus .
10 Private investment is likely to fall by a further 11% in real terms in 1993 , having fallen 13% last year .
11 It would be improbable that men totally unqualified for their rank would be placed in a fleet commanded by the patron whose own career might be damaged by inefficiency , but given the situation in the fleet , of far more qualified applicants than available places , the choice was likely to fall upon a friend of a friend .
12 There is no overt recognition that fat women do not have equal access to sexual relationships : however , if a fat woman 's friends never ask her whether she is attracted to someone , they assume that she is single because she is fat and that she is likely to remain without a lover .
13 Without such interest an officer was likely to remain in a junior post for many years , whatever experience he might accumulate .
14 Realistically , however , only a limited number of employers are likely to agree to a potentially costly and open-ended liability of that sort .
15 A newly created ethical committee is to meet soon to draw up guidelines for WWF International 's investment committee , which is likely to agree to a large-scale transfer of funds .
16 The system is further complicated by the fact that on many issues a Flemish socialist is far less likely to agree with a French-speaking fellow-socialist than with a conservative fellow-Fleming .
17 The more time in the day the patient is idle , the more he is likely to sink into a torpor of laziness .
18 Wakefield director David Lane believes care management is likely to go through a fairly turbulent period initially .
19 Two foot square strips are likely to go for a fiver a sod and will be accompanied by certificates of authenticity from manager Mick McCarthy .
20 You can also check er , and this this is a tiny percentage , those that are likely to go to a report .
21 But the fee is still likely to go to an independent tribunal with Forest apparently asking £3m for their former manager 's son .
22 There were no significant differences in the present study between the never and the previously married although it might be expected that people with children might be less likely to go into a home than those without any and the widowed , divorced , or separated are much more likely to have children than the single : 75 per cent compared with 6 per cent .
23 THE INSPIRALS admit that they , in Clint 's words , ‘ Get niggled by little things ’ on the road , but they 're as likely to go into a discussion about the virtues of meat pies in Dallas as opposed to Houston , as they are to have an out-and-out fight .
24 Peter Gilroy , deputy director at Kent SSD , said : ‘ Research shows if you leave elderly people 's needs simply with personal care and do n't take into account their anxiety about their home , they are likely to go into a spiral of decline . ’
25 Their proposal is then likely to go before a public inquiry .
26 The New York Times 's Vincent Canby wrote : ‘ There is nothing obviously glossy in Midnight Cowboy , but it contains a lot of superior laughter that has the same softening effect , ’ yet he found the central relationship was ‘ as honest and affecting as anything you 're likely to see in a movie , and more than compensates for those moments when the film seems to be exploiting its cheap , gaudy locale as might the director of a sight-seeing bus cruising through West 42nd Street and Greenwich Village ’ .
27 All accepted entries will be examined and the judges will award the first prize to the entrant they consider has shown the greatest skill and judgement in placing the eight letters in the order most likely to appeal to a typical IDEAL HOME reader .
28 In dry denims with a heavy black jersey over her scarlet wool shirt , she looked through the refrigerator and cupboards and began to concoct a dinner likely to appeal to a newly recovered — and fractious — invalid .
29 It said it continues to appraise the situation but added that NT is more likely to appear on a Hewlett-Packard Co 's PA-RISC chip before Sparc .
30 Bryan Robson will start his first Premier League game for United with Darren Ferguson dropping out and Lee Sharpe likely to appear as a sub .
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