Example sentences of "told him [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ( President Assad told him on that occasion that Saddam Hussein was like a chain-smoker : ‘ He can not help lighting another one before he has finished the first .
2 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
3 Most of the places he saw were uninhabitable , or required a permit from the Office of Works to make them less so , but a friend of John Hayward told him of some rooms in Carlyle Mansions , a Victorian apartment building along the Chelsea Embankment which looks out over the Thames .
4 One of which was the property in Frinton which was owned jointly by Mr and his step mother who was an elderly lady who was then residing in that er property and er around that time on the first of October Mr er telephoned Mr and er told him about that but at that time , was not anticipating that there would be an difficulties about the security on Frinton for these he had always , added his case , made it perfectly clear to the man at the National Westminster Bank with whom he was dealing , Mr that that property was not a property which er could er be offered as security because of the joint ownership and er while in conversation with the bank he understood that this letter had been sent and Mrs had been on holiday and that it was simply oversight on the part of the bank at this stage and that all would well after Mrs returned , which was expected in two weeks time .
5 ‘ You told him about that ? ’
6 and somebody says , Well the girl you know he says you never call you you never told him about that .
7 You said , I told him about that .
8 Well that was , the other day ? told him about that .
9 That was Michael Willis 's line whenever I told him about some fresh disaster in the surf .
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