Example sentences of "told he the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Paul Jordan from Kidlington in Oxfordshire was suffering the first pains of a heart attack , when his GP told him the agony was caused by a bad bed .
2 For the rest of the journey I told him the plot of My Fair Lady .
3 And she called me later , and said , ‘ Excuse me , but I just talked to Fred and I told him the story , and he 's invited you to tea tomorrow at his house . ’
4 Leo had chuckled when Barbara told him the story of Hubert 's conversion .
5 Preston was astonished at himself for letting it happen , but when he 'd first suggested wearing a condom Emily had said , ‘ You do n't have to , ’ and told him the story about her abortion , and he 'd felt too sorry for her , and too embarrassed , to insist on doing so for health reasons .
6 I told him the story of my adventures and about life in England , and he told me about his country and his people .
7 He said he told him the story and he said if you could just get back to Greentoft , he says , I would give you the best two cattle out of my byre .
8 Mr Grover listened carefully as Paddington told him the story .
9 Mr Holmes says he reported the matter to the ferry company , and they told him the air conditioning was n't working .
10 The director of elections for SFWP , Gerry Doherty , told the Irish Times that a mining company representative told him the donation was made ‘ to help safeguard democracy and stop tyranny setting in ’ .
11 Mr Forbes said Ballantine told him the boy was dead and told him to phone the police .
12 I think Joe told him the name of his attackers , and it 's obviously someone … someone … "
13 Did n't know you , anything about you , and the only thing I can think of to explain it is that Maura , Donal 's sister , told him the name of the family I was looking for .
14 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
15 Local gallery owner John Rux-Burton , 33 , claims his grandfather told him the secret of Shingle Street before his death in 1974 .
16 Endill told him the plan so far , and they headed off to the sick bay , Mr Litmus taking his pile of notes with him .
17 He showed Mr Utterson the broken stick and told him the servant girl 's story .
18 I told him the history of the charts , my initial idea for a peephole of some sort .
19 He fired again , and felt the lesser kick which told him the ball had only lodged half-way down the barrel .
20 The treacherous four-footer he holed at the next told him the title was his .
21 I told him the credit authority number .
22 I told him the price when he ordered them
23 The court heard evidence from a Nicholas Moody who said the next day Mrs Handy told him the machine had stopped working .
24 I told him the love and character evident in that sofa was worth at least £50 .
25 He listened while Gabriel told him the day 's events .
26 Mr Lytham , however , when he called at the nursing-home to obtain Dorothy 's signature to her will , was far from happy when his client told him the content of the letter .
27 Arriving at the School with Jasper and Bienvida in a borrowed beat-up Ford van , its roofrack loaded with launderette bags of clothes and its inside with her sticks of furniture ( sticks was the word ) , she told him the advertisement would only attract riff-raff .
28 Ellie told him the truth .
29 When Topaz gave Lovat his answer she also told him the truth about her interlude with Andrew .
30 At least he knew I told him the truth .
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