Example sentences of "told [pron] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 A letter card came from France , but it told them little except that he was well and a letter followed .
2 ‘ That 's enough of that , ’ Ross told them firmly as he threw aside the sheets , revealing the fact that he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts .
3 Several journalists questioned him about whether or not he had found it hard being Laura Ashley 's son and his answer told them more than they had realized .
4 His glance towards the file told them precisely where that letter was and McLeish asked for it promptly .
5 ‘ Her name is Shinko , ’ he told me happily as we walked back to the flat .
6 ‘ They have offered me no protection and told me bluntly if I do n't like the job I can quit . ’
7 The manner in which the hand-lettered sign on the side attacked Senator Edward Kennedy told me more than enough about them .
8 ‘ How bad it would be , ’ Marty told himself callously as he watched him go , ‘ to have your bed and your bellyful and no worries at all ! ’
9 I told you anyway cos I got , I got a bloody Erm so we were talking to Cath today , Cath 's thinking about coming down and like me , Chris and John are gon na go to this place in London so you 're very welcome
10 ‘ Look I told you even if you upset me it does n't mean it 's over . ’
11 I hate that man , she told herself vigorously when she eventually forced herself to sit down and jigsaw the jumbled fragments of her emotions into place .
12 Maybe that was the basic problem , she told herself wearily as she now stared blindly up at the ceiling .
13 Put your foot down , she told herself weakly as he pulled her gently towards him .
14 I 'm going to have a good time , she told herself firmly when she heard André 's knock on the door .
15 All she was interested in right now , she told herself firmly as she banished tantalising , dangerous thoughts concerning those strong brown hands , was his ability to keep them afloat .
16 Which was maybe a good reason why it probably would n't happen , she told herself sternly as she stuffed another olive .
17 ‘ Get a grip , Aurora , ’ she told herself sternly as she rummaged in the cupboard .
18 And , if she did n't want to be a burnt-out case , too , she 'd better try and get some sleep , Laura told herself roughly as she slipped into bed and turned off the light .
19 ‘ Stop it ! ’ she told herself scornfully as she blocked the picture out .
20 Life was going on as planned , she told herself determinedly as she walked down the street to the car rental office with her overnight bag .
21 ‘ I think we 've concluded our business , ’ she told him crisply as she snatched open the driver 's door and climbed into the sun-warmed interior .
22 ‘ You certainly have mastered your anatomy , ’ she told him admiringly as he slid his hands across the small of her back to find that ecstatic erogenous zone that never failed to set her on fire .
23 ‘ Even a blind man could see that I hold all the cards in this situation , ’ he told her flatly as she trailed slowly and miserably into the room behind him .
24 She 'd begun to guess he was probably dead too and they 'd forgotten to tell her , just like nobody told her straight when Baby died .
25 ‘ The first Svend knew that there was a search on for Suzie and himself was when my agent arrived at the house earlier this evening , ’ Rune told her calmly as he sorted through a small pile of leaflets .
26 ‘ That 's a definite improvement — you look a lot better , ’ he told her bluntly as the strong liquor began flowing through her veins , and he saw a faint spark of colour beginning to tinge her pale cheeks .
27 We were in Hartlepool in the March of 1890 when Mr Frobisher , our then actor-manager , told us all as we assembled for a Monday morning rehearsal that he had secured the services of a great singer .
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