Example sentences of "told [pers pn] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Muslim Palestinian defenders of Beaufort were ignorant of all this , sitting around the walls in silence when I told them of this historical the old tale of fear , treachery and pain .
2 The sheer weight of goodwill fax messages told them of this fact .
3 Two Bengali women in their twenties told me of many women they knew , and knew of , who were thus stranded .
4 A waitress told me of such an incident when she heard a rumour that her hotel management had appointed private detectives with the power to search staff homes — a not uncommon fear among hotel workers and one paralleling similar periodic fears in other occupations of this type .
5 Mind reading At one of my first-ever children shows , the father told me of this mind reading trick which we found worked well with the children .
6 I had found one honest man here , and that terrible , distant scream told me of another .
7 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
8 Most of the places he saw were uninhabitable , or required a permit from the Office of Works to make them less so , but a friend of John Hayward told him of some rooms in Carlyle Mansions , a Victorian apartment building along the Chelsea Embankment which looks out over the Thames .
9 I told her of that woman novelist who made a character in Provence ladle out onion soup , followed by bouillabaisse for luncheon , and in summer too .
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