Example sentences of "effect on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The emphasis needs to be on alleviating the problems of day-to-day administration , which can exert a disruptive effect on a personnel department because of the large amounts of work created for short amounts of time .
2 Certainly the slave trade was expanding in the early eighteenth century ; more slaves were being bought in Africa than before , and the wars among Africans to provide captives to sell had more of a disturbing effect on the states of West Africa .
3 Martial law had remained in effect on the islands after it had been lifted throughout the rest of Taiwan in mid-1987 [ see pp. 35378-79 ] .
4 The adoption of a new metric form , for example , frequently has a roughening effect on the sounds of ordinary language : Pushkin reports that General Ermolov ended up with a stiff jaw after reading poetry by Griboyedov .
5 During the First World War , of course , Flanders was transformed into one huge battlefield and the effect on the cattle population was devastating .
6 There is little doubt that his outspoken views had some effect on the students , and he was a convenient ‘ scapegoat ’ for the authorities to blame for the disturbances .
7 We suggest that , providing the teacher and observer are well aware of the distorting factors in the report-back system , the damaging effect on the inferences drawn from the report will be minimized .
8 It may be hard to reconcile the ideals of chivalry at Edward 's court with the burning , looting and killing which were so much a part of the campaigns the nobles fought in France , and difficult to argue that the idea of chivalry had any substantially mitigating effect on the horrors of war .
9 A misrepresentation of history which has had a malignant effect on the affairs of Lewis and of crofting ever since .
10 There is no doubt that the reactions of the parties do have some effect on the leaders , though probably this is a little more true in the case of the Conservative Party .
11 Alan Greenspan , chairman of America 's Federal Reserve , has defined price stability as changes in the average price level which are too small to have a material effect on the decisions of businesses and households .
12 Alan Greenspan , the Fed 's chairman , has defined this as changes in the price level which are too small to have a material effect on the decisions of businesses and households — 2% or less , say .
13 In the light of what was to follow , it could be argued that Scapula was panicked into rash measures , excusable only as military necessities , but their effect on the Britons was to be as deplorable for them as for Rome .
14 It is thus evident that the fall of Magnentius and the subsequent zeal of Paulus had an effect on the Britons and their estates , but its extent is difficult to quantify , since there is not yet enough large-scale excavation of villas and other rural establishments using modern refined techniques .
15 They first showed that the inhibitor had no effect on the rats ' ability to swim in general , nor , if the animals had already learned the maze by the time it was injected , did it prevent them from swimming it correctly .
16 Nevertheless it can have a far-reaching effect on the lives of those identified as known or suspected abusers .
17 Whether the mother or the father is younger or if they are of the same age , has little effect on the infants ' survival chances , in so far as both parents are in the age most favourable to procreate healthy infants .
18 In a national study of weekly-paid married male workers in Britain who could vary their work effort , Brown , Levin and Ulph found that higher rates of taxation tended to have an incentive effect on the hours worked .
19 Although factors such as stature , age , and duodenal ulcer disease affect the absolute values of Vg they can have little or no effect on the changes in someone consequent upon smoking a cigarette : thus despite the small numbers studied the 25% fall is highly significant .
20 So far , we have discovered that particular movements are especially distressing while noise has no apparent effect on the birds .
21 Fur or scale is bad enough in kettles but can have a disastrous effect on the insides of pipes and boilers in direct systems .
22 Why on earth had she wanted an anthropomorphic chessboard effect on the hills ?
23 Accounting policies which if altered for consistency with the purchaser 's policies would have a material effect on the earnings or net assets of the target .
24 One such engineering solution to weightlessness that NASA is now contemplating is spinning the spacecraft to create at least some gravitational effect on the astronauts .
25 The scale of this process and its considerable effect on the cities raises a number of pertinent issues .
26 Those working within the paradigm of capital and its effect on the cities relate economic decline to the workings of the market ( those interested in pursuing the topic should consult the National Community Development Project ( 1977 ) ; , Friend and Metcalf ( 1981 ) ; Massey and Meegan ( 1982 ) ; Scott ( 1982 ) ) .
27 Notwithstanding the importance of trying to reduce inflation , does the Minister agree that increasing unemployment — 8,000 more jobless people in the city of Liverpool alone since January this year — and the effect on the telecommunications industry of the recent GEC announcements mean that he should look especially at ECGD funding ?
28 Using daily data for the period from October 1984 to September 1985 , they found that the covariance between the riskless rate of interest and the rate of return on the spot asset had a statistically significant positive effect on the futures price .
29 Under the Labour party 's proposal , that property would be revalued , which would have a devastating effect on the finances of that young couple .
30 What 's more , UEFA can argue that the unique predicament of Red Star Belgrade has had a negative effect on the figures .
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