Example sentences of "itself as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a result of the infection , the small blood-vessels supplying the skin become blocked and the resulting diminution of the blood-supply leads to local death of tissue , which manifests itself as the primary chancre .
2 A new grouping , the Boere Weerstandsbeweging ( BWB — a splinter group of the AWB formed on June 11 and describing itself as the armed wing of the BP ) , pledged solidarity with the BP in its aim of re-establishing former Boer republics .
3 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
4 Government critics predicted that violence would now escalate , arguing that Fujimori had played into the hands of Sendero , which had long wished to provoke a military coup in the hope of establishing itself as the sole democratic force opposed to a repressive government .
5 The Ego is an expert at being defensive , at rationalising and justifying its own behaviour , at seeing itself as the hapless victim of a cruel , harsh world .
6 He has always recognized the sweetness of an apple as a reason for choosing it , although a sinful one ; with the lapse of the standard which condemns it , it asserts itself as the only relevant consideration .
7 There are many teachers who feel that things are that bad , and for whom , at some tacit level of decision-making , becoming ‘ like that ’ has presented itself as the only sensible , or the only possible modus operandi that is left .
8 Four elements of interest and influence need to be weighed against each other , namely the effect of the parent as the educator who is helped by the school , the school as the institutional teacher who is helped by the parent , the school as the manager and decider ( with the parent being kept informed ) and the school itself as the only " real " provider of education .
9 But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement .
10 At its 19th congress on Oct. 23-27 the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions ( AUCCTU ) reconstituted itself as the General Confederation of USSR Trade Unions .
11 It took advantage of the country 's transferred preferential voting system by projecting itself as the second choice for the country 's growing number of Green voters .
12 It managed to sustain a comparison of itself as the resolute party to the OUP 's vacillation .
13 He had just persuaded the Operative Builders Union to restructure itself as the Grand National Guild of Builders .
14 Despite signs of renewed interest from both Ford and Volkswagen ( keen to re-establish itself as the largest car manufacturer in Europe ) , the British government announced in March 1988 that it intended to pursue a wholly British solution for the remaining parts of Rover by selling it to British Aerospace ( BAe ) .
15 This area — even if he had been a total stranger to the city , and know nothing of its history , would have immediately advertised itself as the red-light district — even the very air seemed tainted by the smells of cheap perfume and sex .
16 These moves will also mean that the probation service has to stop seeing itself as the exclusive provider of services and facilities : it is suggested that other voluntary or private sectors may make better provision .
17 Unlike their predecessors they were at home in French , now establishing itself as the pre-eminent diplomatic language , and cultivated contacts with foreigners .
18 It 's a wonder any parts are left at all , what with debts of £6.5m and Sir John Hall still waging the boardroom battle that has very nearly claimed the club itself as the ultimate , ironic , victim .
19 Although theoretically the benevolent side of the dialectic was as likely to manifest itself as the malevolent , it is the nature of this sort of thinking that Mr Hyde always predominates over Dr Jekyll and lurks behind his actions like a puppeteer .
20 The AT&T programme , called ‘ New Art : New Visions ’ , describes itself as the first corporate effort in the U.S. to help promote recently created work by living artists , especially the work of women and ‘ artists of colour ’ , the term now used to refer to artists of the many racial minority groups vying for exhibition space and for a dwindling pool of public and corporate funds .
21 It had grounds for such fears , since it was struggling to legitimize itself as the Palestinian representative and did not wish this to be challenged by any independent local movement .
22 Therefore representative democracy presents itself as the best compromise .
23 It promotes itself as the best candidate to advise the government on energy matters .
24 BODO 'S EPIC misinterpretation of my failure at Lani 's established itself as the authorized version of events .
25 One year on from its declaration of independence from the CPSU [ see pp. 37128-29 ] , the Lithuanian Communist Party ( LCP ) reorganized itself as the Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party at an extraordinary congress on Dec. 8-9 .
26 Although the Challenge is only a year old it has established itself as the biggest single charity fund raising event in the region .
27 The Bulgarian Social Democrat Party ( BSDP ) had originally called itself the Bulgarian Socialist Party , but redesignated itself as the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party ( non-Marxist ) , at its first national conference held on March 31 in Sofia , thereby ceding the BSP name to be adopted by the BCP [ see p. 37380 ] .
28 Our subsequent contacts with school staff in the city indicated that the legacy was a powerful and often negative one , and that it continued to be reinforced because despite a general loosening of LEA control and a government-sponsored shift to a greater measure of school self-determination , the Authority was perceived by schools as continuing to present itself as the main definer and arbiter of good practice .
29 Syria still likes to portray itself as the sworn enemy of the Israelis , but the Ba'ath Party officials who rule with an iron hand appear to have given up trying to stop their citizens tuning in to the ‘ Zionists ’ wavelength .
30 January 1945 , by which time the Russians had established , and officially recognised the Union of Polish Patriots , ( later called the Lubin Committee ) and it proclaimed itself as the provisional government of Poland , a procedure which did not please the British , Americans , or the London Poles .
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