Example sentences of "itself at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Centre for Human Ecology , with its origins in the late C.H. Waddington 's ‘ School of the Man-Made Future ’ of the 1960s and a long history of promoting environmental awareness within the University , today finds itself at the hub of current ideology .
2 Electrical engineers will be reminded of the torque versus speed curve of an induction motor which exhibits an unstable and unmeasurable set of values as the curve turns back on itself at the pull-out torque .
3 Leslie had clearly avoided this mishap , for the face that presented itself at the church to the sound of other bells was unblemished — only so very much older than that of the newly-commissioned boy of the Stirling studio photograph , taken but three years before .
4 Gilkes is content enough with the Sparc market that his firm has to itself at the present , though he admits that the company is looking at other , unspecified RISC architectures , and it really is only just little more than co-incidence that Tadpole 's US office is just down the street from where IBM/Motorola Inc 's PowerPC RISC efforts are concentrated .
5 This bias was no doubt at least partially a reflection of the haphazard organization of policing in Britain itself at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
6 It showed itself at the turn of the century in a rash of gang fights , stabbings and street robberies , and in some parts of London there were excited rumours of youthful gangs armed with guns .
7 But when the Conservatives came to power in 1979 , local government found itself at the centre of a much wider conflict regarding the role of the state as a whole , and the position of local government began to be ‘ reappraised ’ .
8 At the end of the nineteen twenties the policy from Moscow , not just to the Chinese Communist Party but actually to communist parties all over the world swings dramatically to the left and Stalin is arguing that there 's , there are going to be revolutionary explosions all over the world the Communist Party must forge its own path , it must put itself at the head of these struggles , it must give a lead to the masses by launching insurrections and so on and so forth .
9 But since such progress is conceived as immanent to musical history itself , independent of variants of musical practice , social usage and reception , the theory moves dangerously close to a hypostasis of technique ; at the very least it confines the relationship between musical and social structures to the level of the longue durée , since at that level society is ‘ encapsulated ’ in music , while in between , music 's ‘ autonomous unfoldment … follows the social dynamics without a glance or any direct communication ’ ( ibid : 206–7 ) , still less putting itself at the service of particular social subjects .
10 So the bureaucracy ‘ puts itself at the service of the political interests of the hegemonic class ’ ( Poulantzas 1973 , p. 337 ) when the class from which the members of the state apparatus are recruited and the hegemonic class are not one and the same .
11 The chief mark of that period was a new confidence in the power of reason , as opposed to acceptance of authority , to discover truth : we find things out , not simply by believing what someone else tells us , but by considering the evidence , reflecting upon it , and accepting what can ‘ prove itself at the bar of reason ’ .
12 There is plenty of opportunity for the general sense of ambiguity discussed above to manifest itself at the level of individual projects .
13 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
14 Antrim , manifests itself at the surface as a roughly circular depression with a much deeper hole in one part of the area .
15 When the knights reformed in front of them they suddenly launched a wild shout , and welded into one moving weapon , that aimed itself at the enemy beyond the river , and this time did not halt .
16 She is beyond time , and yet she is giving birth to time itself At the moment of birth , her baby is the very youngest member of the human race , its star of hope and its future .
17 Although Tivoli has the open systems distributed management market pretty much to itself at the moment , Moss knows that the provision of a pervasive technology standard to the industry can not generate a revenue stream much further into the future .
18 What the company will contribute or take from OMG is unclear , even to Sybase itself at the moment ; it says it is keeping an eye on developments .
19 I thought , a laugh being pretty well the only dealing with the truth that offered itself at the moment , and so nothing to run down .
20 On a commercial note , it may well be that the insertion of a landlord 's break will reduce the market rent obtainable for the property , a fact which will doubtless manifest itself at the time of the first rent review after the landlord 's power to break has become exercisable .
21 The velvet — or baize , for the lesser mortal — was always used sparingly , tucked in behind itself at the angles of the coffin and the width of the plank at the top .
22 Another sharp blast of heavy rain threw itself at the windowpanes of her flat , and brought Leith , startled , out of the brown study she had fallen into .
23 Forces conspire to push you onto the arête itself at the point where the overlap is reached , although good protection can be arranged to ease the passage of a couple of moves up the gently overhanging right wall of the buttress .
24 When the neural tube closes ( Chapter 2 ) , a group of cells detaches itself at the site of fusion and migrates to many parts of the body and differentiates into a wide variety of cell types .
25 In their hands love seemed a narrow-eyed , exclusive , selfish bastard , to enjoy itself at the expense of a woman who now lay in bed in Auntie Jean 's house , her life unconsidered .
26 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
27 As time and cost constraints make extensive physical experimentation increasingly difficult to justify , the transport sector has installed itself at the forefront of the model revolution .
28 We must now return to the general situation in which 5 Corps found itself at the end of 15 May .
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