Example sentences of "itself with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than concerning itself with the way in which the properties of this structure emerge from its components , it takes the structure as given and asks how it reproduces itself and changes .
2 It is certainly not without significance that the Association always maintained a link with the new youth movement by aligning itself with the Boys ' Brigade and playing an active role in the formation of the Scouts .
3 Decentralization permits each locality to provide itself with the quantity of the good it prefers .
4 This is entirely appropriate to a form of academic work which spent much effort in locating and charting such diverse elements as well as increasingly concerning itself with the principles of their harmonious unification within the text .
5 Dr Tipler suggests that it will occupy itself with the resurrection of the dead .
6 But if that curtesy were moved by a suit or request of the party that gives the assumpsit , it will bind , for the promise , though it follows , yet it is not naked , but couples itself with the suit before , and the merits of the party procured by that suit , which is the difference .
7 Sybase claims to have launched the client/server market itself with the release of its Open SQL Server and Client products in 1987 : now it sees itself launching a further market , enterprise client/server , mainly for mainframe customers downsizing to new platforms , as opposed to the departmental ( and usually Unix or VAX/VMS ) first generation of SQL-based database system .
8 Sybase claims to have launched the client-server market itself with the release of its Open SQL Server and Client products in 1987 : now it sees itself launching a further market , enterprise client-server , mainly for mainframe customers downsizing to new systems , as opposed to the departmental ( and usually Unix or VAX/VMS ) first generation of SQL-based database system .
9 Oxford Polytechnic , deriving from a further education institution with poor facilities , had a struggle to establish itself with the CNAA .
10 In the world of education and in the year of the Woods Hole conference , Britain had to content itself with the Crowther Report , which , even at the time of its publication and even more plainly in retrospect , reads more like an epitaph than a prophecy .
11 Moreover , it allows us to adjudicate on a matter with which the bible does not concern itself ( as it may be said not to concern itself with the question of the liberation of women ) .
12 From the start , the NAPSS had a number of energetic women members , and also concerned itself with the question of women 's employment .
13 The CNAA , in its desire to ensure that the courses which it validates are of a sufficiently high standard , has necessarily concerned itself with the resources and ethos of institutions as a whole and has not hesitated to pass judgment on them , going , some would argue , beyond the responsibilities laid upon it by its Royal Charter .
14 The amendments agreed in December 1988 duly provided that while the Council of the Union should concentrate upon economic , diplomatic and other matters affecting the USSR as a whole , the Council of Nationalities should particularly concern itself with the interests of all ethnic groups within the framework of the Soviet multinational state .
15 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
16 At the present time the Tribunal may only concern itself with the modification and discharge of restrictive covenants , therefore only the restrictive obligations contained in the agreement .
17 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
18 The new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4–6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix . ’
19 Her belief is that to reach a very wide audience one must establish character first so the audience can identify itself with the issue , through the character .
20 A truly political art , he realised , would not content itself with the message alone ; it would it had to engage the viewer in a questioning of the nature of the institutions and the pressures they exert , and thereby subject them to the necessary critique .
21 If we claim our interest is to focus on the writing produced only by a sophisticated elite , and that we determine the best literature is that which , in terms of generic structure , subject , and eloquent rhetoric , concerns itself with the preoccupations of males who have a high social and political standing , then the traditional canon will serve the majority of our needs .
22 Both are relevant under this heading , which concerns itself with the benefit side of the government budget .
23 The first voice concerns itself with the story , which is loosely based on the tradition of women weaving and chanting to the rhythms of their work .
24 After the fall of the Zhivkov regime in November 1989 the party had split , and a breakaway Nikola Petkov Agrarian Party allied itself with the UDF .
25 Let us leave the last words with Walter Abish who declares that ‘ the innovative novel is , in essence , a novel of disfamiliarization , a novel that has ceased to concern itself with the mapping of the ‘ familiar ’ world ’ ( Martin 1983 : 238 ) .
26 A sociology of culture must further concern itself with the processes of social and cultural ‘ reproduction ’ .
27 Protestantism concerned itself with the inscription of dogma , attention to the text , was more emphatically scriptural .
28 Once the party aligned itself with the ranks of the oppressors , either through cynical design ( Stalin ) , or through incompetence ( the PCF leadership ) , it was time to leave .
29 A sociology of culture must concern itself with the institutions and formations of cultural production , for this is one of the most distinct of its fields .
30 It was Saturday morning and suburbia was busying itself with the tasks it likes so much .
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