Example sentences of "itself from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It has completely dissociated itself from the ancient Macedonians ’ .
2 In adopting this chic mode of expression , the nouveau riche was effectively distinguishing itself from the traditional middle classes while at the same time flaunting the fact that it had connoisseurship and taste .
3 At that time the Japanese foreign ministry distanced itself from the Liberal Democrats ' mission to Pyongyang organised by the party 's strongman , Shin Kanemaru .
4 The team was able to win some very prestigious senior assignments during this time , deliberately dissociating itself from the wholesale movement of dealing and broking teams , an aspect of search of which GKR strongly disapprove .
5 The station itself was built with massive stolidity as though to distance itself from the Georgian grace of the great imperial buildings near by .
6 Gradually the technique develops its own style , moving away from red-figure as red-figure had early freed itself from the black figure tradition ; only white-ground long remains no more than a sideline of red-figure painters .
7 Enquiry will focus on the social processes by which such a community , whose original members will have selected themselves , carves itself from the mainstream society , establishing demographic stability and a cultural identity .
8 BAe was keen to diversify , in order to protect itself from the cyclical swings of both civil and military aerospace manufacturing .
9 A government which condones and orchestrates crime , racketeering and violence as a means of alienating and isolating terrorist or political opponents from their host populations will , in the long run , pay the price of alienating itself from the general public .
10 In order to protect itself from the conflicting , volatile and diffuse demands of political groups , it retreated into greater bureaucratism .
11 Masculine development did not detach itself from the nourishing mother .
12 The Victoria and Albert Museum is still trying to disassociate itself from the ignominious failure of the exhibition of sporting trophies through the ages .
13 The placenta detaches itself from the uterine wall and , with other material , is forced out after the baby .
14 Heterodoxy or heresy originally arises as opposed to doxa , which takes the shape of ‘ orthodoxy ’ to defend itself from the heretical challenge .
15 It is clear that , on the most fundamental level , the ability to substitute a thought conveyed in linguistic terms for an action or a thing is an absolutely basic ingredient of the ego 's functioning : it is the key to the ego 's ability to distance itself from the immediate demands of the id and its drives and to evolve higher , more abstract thought-processes than those available to an animal , no matter how intelligent , which lacks the power of speech .
16 She squeezes again , and this time a great glob of Teint Naturel extrudes itself from the narrow aperture on to her middle finger .
17 This was not common practice but it reached its apotheosis in the 1945 general election when the Observer completely detached itself from the political parties and carried articles by representatives of each of the main parties .
18 While thus engaged he met a group of Gold Coast traders to whom the British government , eager to disentangle itself from the political strife of the region , was in the process of handing over its installations .
19 Despite the earlier authors ' comments on the matter , at the moment of death the cat is not thinking of its human owners ' feelings , but simply about how it can protect itself from the terrifying , unseen danger that is causing it so much pain .
20 Stylistically , Samson is distancing itself from the very audience it should inspire , but by doing so Milton is helping to avoid potential censorship and a silencing altogether .
21 This seems to be true in spite of the fact that Spinoza was very much of a generation which was concerned to dissociate itself from the Greek inheritance , and indeed he represents something of a fresh injection of Jewish moral feeling into the main Christian current of Western thought .
22 seeks to liberate itself from the Greek domination of the Same and the One … as if from oppression itself — an oppression certainly comparable to none other in the world , an ontological or transcendental oppression , but also the origin or alibi of all oppression in the world .
23 The hyperpluralist perspective may have sought to distance itself from the pluralist perspective on British politics , but there is much in common between the two orientations .
24 In relation to our " design-and-society " problem , design , in rending itself from the social fabric and attempting to construct itself as an independent discipline — and having constructed its own pantheon of values and principles with only tangential relation to the social — becomes , quite literally , socially unintelligible .
25 The black construct before her split , spun into a thin loop , fleshed into a globe , flipped inside out to reveal a hovering pink mass , which detached itself from the main bulk and drifted some distance away .
26 He had given her that household , a little society , warming itself in its own glow of virtue , insulating itself from the big bad world ; but within its own limits it had been open and supportive .
27 Of the Enlightenment as Kant or Voltaire saw it ( see pp. 411ff below ) , as the human mind liberating itself from the self-imposed tutelage of centuries , a new birth of intellectual adventure , they had no inkling .
28 And since the effect would be to put off the catastrophe indefinitely , since Capitalism could now continue by reason of policies which provided also a solution to the problem of unemployment , Empirical Socialism need no longer distinguish itself from the Marxist version solely by the method and pace of change , by being evolutionary rather than revolutionary .
29 Among the smaller opposition parties the JCP fought a largely defensive campaign in which it attempted to dissociate itself from the discredited communist regimes of Eastern Europe .
30 In response the government , eager to distance itself from the ruling FLN , which was itself in disarray [ see pp. 37628 ; 37795-96 ] , and secure its own survival , promised that free and open parliamentary elections would be held in the first half of 1991 .
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