Example sentences of "itself [prep] the most " in BNC.

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1 In 1983 gas , coal and nuclear power accounted for 16% , 9% and 1% respectively of energy demand and it is gas which is establishing itself as the most significant oil alternative .
2 The German occupation proved useful in one respect , however : it spurred the formation of the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne ( CIVC ) , an organisation which has since established itself as the most successful of its type in France .
3 Since temptations to inattentiveness , prejudice , wishful thinking , are as strong as moral temptations , there are times when ‘ Face facts ’ imposes itself as the most rigorous , the most unwelcome of imperatives .
4 This may have been no more than wishful thinking , and during the campaign the Conservative Party managed to project itself as the most radical of the contenders for office .
5 Since its foundation in 1961 , the NDP had established itself as the most successful social democratic party in north America , and as Canada 's third main party at federal level .
6 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
7 He regrets that ‘ language , which adapts itself for the most part only to the common uses of life , has provided us with no single-worded or immediate designation ’ for the impression .
8 Eventually a time of fish will be landed so the intricate work of life moves itself into the most unlikely corners of our power stations .
9 The eagle was so evidently , so ferociously beautiful ; one would have thought that it could have impressed itself upon the most unwilling beholder .
10 This high degree of concentration also manifests itself at the most localized scales .
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